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Zum / ein Blick von Capel-le-Ferne Richtung von Der Horizont liegt genau auf der Hhe (September 2019 )

Rapid in captive bush (Speothos venaticus) caused by A of avian origin () at a collection in , Emerg Microbes Infect.:

In Nov 22, an unusual mortality event was reported in captive bush dogs (Speothos venaticus) with clade H5N1 HPAIV of avian origin being the causative agent. Event involved an enclosure of 15 bush dogs, 10 of which succumbed during a 9-day period with some dogs exhibiting neurological disease.

Day 5 of

Is there a lot of it about this year, or am I serendipitously stumbling across posts & photos

Today's topic is niche botany: in foxgloves (Digitalis), or When Flowers Go Wrong.

With many thanks to

"Scotland celebrates record levels of peatland restoration"

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

Bearing in mind that per the last census, transgender people make up 0.5% of the UK population from memory ...

Hey Laser Cutter Fediverse people in the UK who sell what you make, - who do you use for Not managed to find anything particularly good myself - any suggestions please is an open, user-supported, corporation-free Mastodon server for people in the United Kingdom:


You can find out more at or contact the admin

"Google parent Alphabet must face a lawsuit worth up to 13.6 billion pounds ($17.4 billion) for allegedly abusing its dominance in the online advertising market, London's Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) ruled on Wednesday. The lawsuit, which seeks damages on behalf of publishers of websites and apps based in the United Kingdom, is the latest case to focus on the search giant's business practices."

5 June 2024

Annouces Indepepndent Campaign

ICAO code:
Operator: Royal Air Force
Speed: 787 kmh
Altitude: 12192 m
Distance: 4.3 km
Angle : 70.4
Direction ->: WNW


Seen: 5x


The savage horde is at the gate .

Hundreds of illegal Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque


Charles III banknotes enter circulation

"May and spring were warmest on record in UK, Met Office says"

Am I the only one who pronounces in my internal dialogue as "far arse" Not a close friend, but a far arse.

I know nothing about .

Though it is interesting that Keir Starmer does say

Labour would not bring in tax rises for "working people".

Maybe a tax rise for the rich

(One way of making sure rich! sunak returns to California)

And now unrestrained from parliamentary rules, convention & bollocks, Keir Starmer is saying it as it is.

Conservative Candidate MP Karl McCartney Accused of Misusing Magistrate Title AGAIN as He Campaigns for Re-Election

The MP has already been reprimanded over the same tactics twice before, according to the Judicial Conduct Investigation Office, which in 2021 suggested he had abused the title of his impartial office for party political gain

again no mention of his party

: Perry Barr Lock 7
: lock
: Photo by ell brown on Flickr

- would the Equalities Act cover this

We have a whole galaxy of euphemisms for what we saw from Rishi Sunak last night. Sometimes we say that he was being misleading, or perhaps that his comments are contested, or that they are controversial. Or, worst of all, we remove all moral judgement and brand them a clever election strategy

sunak lies, lies & lies.

Roll on the 4th July

VCA , ePaper , Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"UK election debates must make climate crisis a key issue, say green groups"

On Sunaks maths, Tories will lift taxes by 3,000 per household

Today is one of those days where I have to push myself to even start training. Its been a hard week already. But this is where that extra 10% comes from

face irreversible decline, under current policies global league table suggests

institutions face possible closure as 52 out of 90 are given lower positions this year in (QS) rankings

Ukrainians might spend significant part of daytime without light until winter thanks to partners refusing to provide air defense weapons (more)

'Ridgeway trail: Land Rover driver denies dangerous driving'

'The Ridgeway, which runs through the North Wessex Downs, is renowned as one of England's most beautiful sites. It is Britains oldest road and follows the same route over the high ground used since prehistoric times by travellers, herdsmen and soldiers. It runs for 87 miles through several counties including Berkshire and Wiltshire.'

No Defense To Ongoing Russian Air Raids: Situation with energy system to be 'difficult' this week, Ukrenergo warns (more)

Ukrainians may face blackouts for most of day during winter due to Allies refusal to provide defensive weapons to protect civilian energy grid (more)

A claim that nearly half of private school pupils would leave the sector if a Labour government levied 20 per cent VAT on their fees is too high and not statistically representative, the consultants behind the study it was based on have said

More tory lies

A fresh embarrassment has emerged for Rishi Sunak after party chiefs were forced to put his hand-picked chairman Richard Holden on a shortlist of one to ensure he had a seat to fight

is on a shortlist of one to ensure he gets a seat after multiple constituencies rejected Sunaks hand-picked party chairman

fresh embarrassment - can that be treated by the NHS

Putin has started wearing bulletproof vests for public appearances in fear of an assassination bid

clothing sales to plummet as red tape deters exporters

Small and medium-sized firms badly hit as huge drop in apparel sales helps fuel 18% slide in all-non food

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)

Category: ATTACK

"Nigel Farages Reform Party Has Accepted 2.3 Million from Fossil Fuel Interests, Climate Deniers, and Polluters Since 2019 Election"

In the UK, there is a real issue with working class violence centred around false or unfounded claims of paedophilia. Or rather, a working class culture of violence and sadism which is also fundamentally narcissistic in its nature. These people are the dregs.

(And before you me, I come from that background and have had to deal with these sorts of people many times. Their MO is shockingly predictable.)

China spacecraft Chang'e-6 first to collect samples from far side of the moon - Sky News

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Liverpool main sponsors Standard Chartered accused of helping to fund terrorist groups - Liverpool Echo

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Woman kills man outside her home after trying to switch on heated steering wheel - Manchester Evening News

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