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World Central Kitchen aid workers killed by the LEAST moral army in the world.

"I'm just trying to get answers to questions and if you can't answer the questions, then I can't allow you to do the propaganda bit afterwards."

Thanks Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

PS: the allegations by the Israeli gov. spokesperson about the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians were also bullshit: .

Honeytrap sext scandal: Tory MP William Wragg admits leaking phone numbers

Is Jake Sullivan just an idiot or a Russian agent It's not even clear which is worse when a White House adviser spreads Russian narratives

The of Rabbit Fever en has arrived!


UK govt office admits ability to negotiate billions in cloud spending curbed by vendor lock-in

Man sitting at a boardroom table examining a piece of paper. Around him are positioned various other executives. Its one of the points Ive been making since the beginning of enterprise cloud services. Its not to say necessarily that a cloud service is bad, but you have no control (and often no easy

Buckingham Palaces East Wing Open to the Public for the First Time!

Traurig, wie man dem Vereinigten Knigreich immer weiter beim Abrutschen zuschauen muss..

Erst Pub-Sterben, Wohnraumkrise, NHS-Krise, Heizkrise und jetzt Fish&Chips Verteuerung.

Fish and Chips als Luxusgut

Des fonctionnaires anglais, eux qui supervisant les ventes, livraisons et logistiques des armes du complexe militaro-financier pour l'tat britannique exigent d'avoir accs un "Droit de retrait".
Si jamais leur travail pouvait les exposer des accusations de complicit dans l'accomplissement d'un crime de guerre.

Un moyen plutt intelligent et sans doute tout fait lgal pour empcher la poursuite des livraisons d'armes Isral.

From Sadiq Khan, London's mayor:

"The government has now had weeks to publish the legal advice, they've not published it, and if they publish that legal advice and it shows theres a breach to international law, we should halt all sales."

I voted for him and hope he gets elected again. The best mayor London's ever had.

"A news report in 1965 looked at 'programmed learning machines' which aimed to utilise technology and assist individual learning."

on UK just reported that the drone used by to murder the seven aid workers (including 3 UK nationals) comprised components supplied from the .
That must be sickening for the victims' families.

UK govt office admits ability to negotiate billions in cloud spending curbed by vendor lock-in

Its one of the points Ive been making since the beginning of enterprise cloud services. Its not to say necessarily that a cloud service is bad, but you have no control (and often no easy way out) if prices jump (remember Microsoft changing their ...continues


Good evening. It's 7PM, Thursday, 4th April. The headlines: judges urge a suspension of arms sales to following claims of targeting in . A man is convicted for the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky. The Secretary General will address allies, amid calls to bring back conscription. is hit by its most powerful earthquake in two decades, while KISS's music rights are acquired by Pophouse.

If Danegaptide tablets preserve enough of this diabetic grandfather's vision that he can keep golfing, they might someday be an alternative to getting needles or lasers in your eye to treat diabetic macular degeneration

UK Covid takeaway habits endure as fast food calorie intake remains high

I was in Bradford at the time and remember how the whole city stopped.
Her kids must be adults now, wonder how they feel about it all


'Not OK': PM Trudeau 'takes issue' with Netanyahu's comment on aid workers' deaths

I cant walk, talk or eat doctors dont believe me and I think Ill die

UK and France Finally Shred Sykes-Picot Agreement, Historians Baffled It Took Only a Century to Admit Mistake

Royal Family LIVE: Prince Harry warned 'no one is fooled' over plans for next UK visit - Express

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Tea and a tour of Balmoral Castle That will set you back 150 - The Guardian

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Anya Taylor-Joy shares anatomical 'heart cakes' to celebrate wedding anniversary - The Independent

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Anna May Wong and the mysteries of Hollywood's first Chinese-American star - The Independent

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: Bridge 18 Over Feeder
: footbridge
: Photo by ell brown on Flickr

: THE will return soon. Until then, catch up with my of :

528 :

526 :


Jake believes that Russia will launch a first nuclear strike against the United States if Ukraine is given too much military aid
What planet is Sullivan living on

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul: He says that Blinken has been a proponent of additional military aid for . He blames the Biden Admin's weakness on Jake Sullivan


Rights group says Israeli strike on Gaza building killed 106 in apparent war crime

War Crimes Are Us is an Israeli/American franchise

At first sight this is a Telegraph hit-job on the . (Which theyhave done MANY times)
On full reading of the detail, yes the family and patient were let down.

I remember coming out of the hospital shift and telling family via facebook that they needed to not put themselves in danger. this included not driving like maniacs, or taking risks going climbing etc.

CMA launches in-depth probe into Vodafone-Three UK merger

Majority of British want arms sales cut to : poll

'Do we know what type of we sell to Do we know which companies are selling and the cost of exports Or is all this an official secret

Most of this information is not secret. Here is an extract from a Commons library briefing paper on arms exports to Israel.'


Sunak is a PM hanging on by a thread if he's reliant on two metro mayoral races to hang on - a fascinating article I read in The Times today by Katy Balls

The sabre rattling on exiting the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is likely an attempt to pre-appease those right wing fringes who could bring him down before the autumn. Which would be interesting to say the least ...

Archived from:

Video shows ambulance explode in fireball after dropping off elderly patient

Oh, all the classic hallmarks and keywords:

commercial venture
make millions
mobile app
personal data
location tracking
cryptocurrency firm
Norwegian businessman

Wait, what Some Norwegian came up with this! :cryinglotsfb:

/ Judges and Lawyers Open Letter Concerning Gaza

We write in the light of these developments to remind you of your Governments obligations under international law, which require you to take, amongst others, the following five actions:

1to work actively and effectively to secure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza

2to take all available measures to ensure safe access to and delivery of the essentials of existence and medical assistance to Palestinians in Gaza, including confirmation that UK funding to UNRWA will continue with immediate effect

3to impose sanctions upon individuals and entities who have made statements inciting genocide against Palestinians

4to&nbspsuspend the provision of weapons and weapons systems to the Government of Israel and

5to suspend the 2030 Road Map for UK-Israel bilateral relations and negotiations towards an enhanced trade agreement and to initiate a review into the suspension of the UKs bilateral trade agreement with Israel and consider the imposition of sanctions.&nbsp

Full letter

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