Make your UK Will online for Free.

While many parts of and consider the black cat a sign of bad luck, in and Australia, black cats are considered lucky.

The UK Government is not only engaging in fake news, but is now setting up fake newspapers.

at tipping point as funding crisis threatens industry
Industry figures warn goals cannot be met unless government pumps more money into . Britain faces being left with no hope of meeting its crucial goals and losing its status as a world leader in offshore energy without an urgent overhaul of government support, ministers are being warned.

If people from such diverse backgrounds arrive at similar conclusions, the idea must have some merit.

Do you really mean England (too) or the

Would you care to elaborate, I've never heard, , what does it mean--Splitting up, as I suggested, the UK in 20 autonomous regions, instead of just the original 7 Anglo-Saxon ones of the

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Sun 20 Aug 2023 the Malmanac weathervane reports 19.7C, 64% relative humidity, pressure rising slowly 1019mb. No rainfall. Wind is blowing 1.3mph from W, gusting to 10.5mph.

ICYMI: Video: Northern offer first glimpse of new Northumberland Line

A reminder to sign and share this Uk gov petition to stop all new oil and gas developments (you can sign if you are a UK citizen).

There is more than enough oil and gas already dug up, its just (almost literally) fanning the flames to extract more fossil fuels that we cant afford to burn.

I don't think I've ever seen a anything like that in the

embassy officials attempted to influence court cases, documents suggest

Exclusive: papers appear to show embassy officials pressing attorney generals office over Action protesters

Netherland, Denmark commit to delivering F-16s to Ukraine (Kanal13 - Azeri News in English VIDEO)

ICYMI: Network Rail announces 4.2bn five-year plan for Scottish network

Another railway strike announced by ASLEF train drivers

Christmas in August as First F-16s to be sent to Ukraine by New Year (more)

"Today we are taking another step to strengthen Ukraine's air defense. F-16.

The planes we will use to keep Russian terrorists away from Ukrainian cities and villages.

Mark Rutte and I agreed on the number of F-16s that will be provided to Ukraine - after training our pilots and engineers. 42 planes. And this is just the beginning.

Thank you, Netherlands!"
- President Zelensky

The Netherlands will transfer 42 F-16 jets to Ukraine.
- President Zelensky

F-16. Breakthrough arrangement. Specifics from today. We will have F-16 in the Ukrainian sky. Thank you, Netherlands! Thanks Mark! Thanks to everyone who helps!

We will win!"
- President Zelensky


"EnergyUK: Britain set to lag behind global peers in clean electricity investment and deployment"


Yesterday wasnt a good day for Russia: first their space vessel Luna-25 crashed before it landed on the moon, and then a TU-22M3 bomber was completely destroyed in a Ukrainian drone strike on the Russian air force base in Soltsky, Novgorod region, between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A collection of various Wading birds at the wetlands of Slimbridge UK

Caribbean flamingo

Pink News: Attacker jailed after threatening man he thought was gay with AK-47 and bayonet

So I knew that we had not seen the last of the cruelty of the hag in the but now there is a rule that from cannot join spouses unless they can speak a certain level of english - a test that who are also refugees aren't required to take.
They do know the have BANNED women's education and closed the centres...

Note de blog de sur la guerre en . lire pour se tenir informer, moins enthousiaste que .

lire pour voir cet extrait que Guillaume Ancel cite sur son propre blog et qui s'adresse a posteriori a et ses propositions de sortie de crise :

'Peut-tre verra-t-on aussi les cyberbatailles qui sont plutt absentes depuis les premiers jours du conflit et coup sr, les trolls sefforceront de convaincre les opinions occidentales quil faut cesser daider lUkraine pour X raisons, la plus hypocrite tant celle de la paix tout prix .'

It's been a tough few weeks.
But it was lovely to be out again, this time at a new location for us: Clougha Pike. Featuring, ALL THE HEATHER.

It's been a tough few weeks.

But it was lovely to be out again, this time at a new location for us: Clougha Pike. Featuring, ALL THE HEATHER.

There's LOADS more photos from this, available for you right here

Apropos of nothing, are fucking scumbags. Makes a change from them pumping sewage into streams and onto beaches, mind you.

"United Utilities fined 800,000 after illegally abstracting 22 billion litres of in

"It caused a significant decline in the , which is an important public for residents in the and also helps the flows of local ..."

In their book Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, () & Joe portray inverted totalitarianism as a system where corporations have corrupted & subverted democracy and where economics bests politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited by large corporations to the point of collapse as excess consumerism and sensationalism lull and manipulate the citizenry into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government.

In , inverted totalitarianism is being played out before our eyes as never before because the elites dont care any more if we, the poles, know what they are doing to us!

The utterly corrupt () are bought and paid for by s , s , & other assorted oligarchs & despots.

The () Party under is in hoc to the . Also, has deliberately lost/ ejected so many of its former 600k members (and their membership subs) that theyve had to go, cap in hand, seeking donations from assorted corporate interests who will obviously want their pound of flesh should come to power!

Our first-past-the-post electoral system is designed to entrench the inverted totalitarian system that is our so-called democracy! Nothing will change if replaces the Tories in the 2024 - as is currently predicted to happen by a landslide!

Imo, at :

1. *must* be destroyed electorally! This looks like a distinct possibility as they have do royally f#cked up pretty much everything! Nothing works in Britain anymore!
2. u/ Sir Keir *cannot* be allowed to gain a -style landslide majority! would use this almost unbridled power to unleash a torrent of illiberal policies on the country
3. Hence we must somehow elect a powerful presence in Parliament to oppose his & authoritarian instincts
4. Well-informed, well-organised tactical voting will be key - not just to wipe out the Tories but, crucially, to

Tories Spread Fake Local Rags Nationwide

"My daughter started to run a fever: Britains swimmers on how sewage changed their summer"

ICYMI: New Bristol Railway Station Portway Park & Ride Opens to Connect Communities and Grow The Economy

Attempt to cut ties with bank, which directly invests in new fossil fuel projects, fails at AGM

Putin Has Never Been Worse Some Russians Are (Privately) Talking About an Uprising

In an intercepted phone call, two men hark back to a golden age before Putin, adding Russians today are behaving like wolves and need to wait for the people to rise.

Its official, Ukraine takes on all hostile nations to the west of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea simultaneously. China assists Russia with military build-up by supplying helicopters and metals for bombers (more)

Weather at 3pm on Sun 20 Aug is fine, 20C, pressure steady and 2.0mm rain so far today. Humidity is 71%.

China arms Russia's war in Ukraine (more)

Fury as national health check of Englands waters faces six-year wait

A trip down memory lane - My last walk in Northumberland National Park Falstone and Donkleywood, Northumberland National Park, Northumberland

Pink News: Spain beats England to win Womens World Cup 2023 in tense final battle 'sWorldCup

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