Make your UK Will online for Free.

Weather at 6pm on Mon 6 Nov is showery, bright intervals, 8C, pressure rising slowly and no rain today. Humidity is 92%.

will not be included in .

It is looking less and less likely that the of so-called will be before the next .

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

, and products linked to still imported into

Campaigners accuse government of failing to stick to promises made at climate summit in 2021

Financial Times: 127 aziende britanniche hanno ammesso di avere violato le contro la .


and owe combined $111bn in study

Exclusive: study finds militaries have generated about 430m metric tonnes of since

A trip down memory lane - UK Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle, Scotland - Did I see the Loch Ness Monster

Ban domestic flights on routes that can be travelled by train in under 4.5 hours

It's been demonstrated cheaper to fly to Poland and go to Lidl than to go to the local UK ones. Including the flight cost.

Ever get the feeling you are being cheated

In every single way possible With our government's collusion.

Why do you think they have built no houses Tory politicians are mostly landlords. Less housing, higher rent. More homeless.

Tampon that tests for STIs created by British startup

What I'm on right now.

"Lost In Music"

: Aqueduct 25A, M65 Aqueduct 108Aa
: aqueduct
: Photo by Stuart-Buchanan on Flickr


Dark magic seems to have descended upon the UK, with the arrival of Ukrainian folktronica band GoA. The band has taken the island by storm, performing 5 concerts in just 6 days, before setting off for Europe. Hailing from Kyiv, the electro-folk group blends authentic Ukrainian vocals with modern electronic dance beats.

Working with on supporting countries across the & designing . So much work to do there and elsewhere... :blobcattilt:

At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards*

*Except for requests

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

New report: "The and the are two of the institutions most responsible for global climate breakdown."
So, less war, less warming: a reparative approach

Study: US and UK militaries owe combined $111bn in climate reparations

The first-of-its-kind study found the two militaries have generated about 430m metric tonnes of CO2 emissions since 2015 Paris accords

The amount of rage baiting going on on radio today over "BAN THE MARCH" is just unreal. It's enough to make me think the conspiracy loons who go on about nudge units and psyops might have a point.

Auf dem KI-Sicherheitsgipfel in England trafen Regierungsvertreter und Fhrungskrfte der Tech-Branche zusammen. NGOs kritisieren einseitigen Fokus auf Sciencefiction-Szenarien.

Today's music:

Professor Elemental - Nerds Gone Wild!

Make your UK Will online for Free.

They had to move her "under cover of darkness" FFS. What a world.

3pm on Radio Jammor: Female Voices hour
Featuring music where the predominant singer or singers is/are

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

In a statement of first ever joint commitment for collective action, museum leaders said they felt a responsibility to speak out about the & crisis.

They pledged to use their collections, programmes and exhibitions to engage audiences with the and inspire them to take positive action to manage collections sustainably to develop & implement plans and to increase biodiversity in museums green spaces."

If the West cannot win this war, then what war can it win Ukraine's Foreign Minister (more)

Just who is allowed to speak on behalf of the working class And how heartless are Tory politicians
Latest blog post.

Speaking for the People


lien #miam #zik #wtf #uk

Tick tock, drip drop... At 14:00 hrs on Mon 6 Nov 2023 the Malmanac weathervane reports 12.2C, 77% relative humidity, pressure rising slowly 992mb. 0.2mm rainfall so far today. Wind is blowing 2.7mph from NW, gusting to 8.5mph.

It's & Music time on Radio Jammor

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Beef, soy and palm oil products linked to deforestation still imported into The Guardian

> Campaigners accuse government of failing to stick to promises made at summit in 2021


Two more product designs have been added to the Radio Jammor Shop

Read first:

Direct shop link:

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

UK climate activists target 'Rokeby Venus' painting

London (AFP) Climate protesters on Monday smashed the glass cover of the "Rokeby Venus" painting by Spanish artist Diego Velazquez at London's National Portrait Gallery, in the latest protest against fossil fuel

dazzle in brief appearance over lights up much of and , from and to southern Nick Bull

If you want a really good laugh..

Majority of Tory members want Nigel Farage back in the party, poll reveals

Former Brexit Party leader recently said he would be surprised if he wasnt Tory leader by 2026

More than seven in 10 Tory members want Nigel Farage to be readmitted to the party, a poll has revealed

Czy jest kto tutaj z UK i chce odebra darmowy film

Mam wany do 8 listopada kod do oddania

The Python/pandas NaPTAN package made by Callum Mullins is brill, btw. I really like the cute local Leaflet and OpenBusMap integration!

The must investigate the crime of genocide in

We need a ceasefire. The existence of the Palestinian people is at stake.

- Jeremy Corbyn
Member of Parliament for Islington North.
He is the former leader of the UK Labour Party and a human rights advocate.

The next ECG Webinar is happening on the 27th of November! The topic will be the Impact Sound Insulation of Balconies and the talk will be given by Lucas Heidemann

The rest of today's schedule on Radio Jammor
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Free Will Registry for 2023