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"Unstable Weather" yea that's called the :blobfoxmelt:

The Graylags have arrived at Linford Lakes!!

See video in original toot

One of 3 waves of migrating Graylags arriving at Linford Lakes this afternoon (Video and photo in comments)

Make your UK Will online for Free.

You know the Christmas ads in Ireland are bad, especially that mawkish An Post one, but the UK's ad men are on another planet and appear to have ingested large doses of psilocybin judging by that John Lewis Triffid Venus fly trap...

Prison Planet: Inside the World's Highest Tech - HMP Fosse Way in the


Kyiv Independent's Investigation into Russians and collaborators who abused Ukrainian POWs

Our war crimes investigations unit's latest investigative documentary "Faces of Torture" reveals the harrowing stories of Ukrainian prisoners of war who endured torture in the notorious Olenivka prison

"Britain wins litter-picking World Cup with load of rubbish"

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued a warning after a flu strain, similar to that found in pigs, has been detected for the first time in a human in the UK.

A case of influenza A(H1N2)v had been picked up after a person started experiencing respiratory symptoms.

The source of their infection is not yet known and remains under investigation.

Now the health body is urging anyone with respiratory issues, such as a cough or shortness of breath, to avoid contact with others.

Tories who have never set foot in the British Museum don't realise that the image they posted is of the Natural History Museum

Can't avoid the conclusion that the government is looking much more adult than the side in this dispute about the sculptures.

Sur le mme sujet :

Brown Hare

How mansion blocks filled London with stacks of flats.

These ornate buildings pioneered high-density living for affluent Londoners in the Victorian and Edwardian eras and their virtues are being rediscovered today.

About & Over s .

has : Were in the , get into it.

'actively with ' to responsible for reported during .

"The was by of , though, with admitting that a of their at and "

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Show The To Hate.

Today, the trial of the alleged of began. presented including alleged showing -trans that lead to her !

UK: Equalities Barrister Robin Moira White "If schools press ahead with new trans guidelines, they will never work"

The Independent (Premium):

"New guidance for schools on trans children will be published next week. Reports suggest that the government has stepped back from an outright ban, but transition at school will require parental consent. Trans children will not be allowed to play sports or use toilets with their correct gender class and, worst of all, teachers with a personal objection will be permitted to misgender children."

A must read, please spare a boost or two to share Robin's take on what's going on :boostrequested: :flagtransgender:


While Putin and his oligarchs live the lifestyle of kings...

In the Russian city of Chita, people live without sewage systems, normal toilets and pour waste in their own yards.


Evacuation of civilians near the frontlines.

Volunteers risk their lives to bring people to safety while Russians deliberately fire shells at people when they spot them.

Environmental messages do not impact ad effectiveness, data finds

The research finds only 8% of ads included an environmental message. That is despite increasing public demand for climate action and more than 80% of UK adults expressing concern about climate change.

It also suggests the focus points selected by brands often dont represent the publics biggest concerns

Greece denies promising not to raise Parthenon Sculptures on UK visit

Sunak & the tories are incapable of getting anything right.

Copy the marbles and send them home

The tories lost their marbles long ago


A Russian army volunteer supplier came to a Russian church to ask for donations.

While speaking, he accidentally voiced out the horrible number of losses and the miserable state of still alive Russian soldiers near Donetsk.

Mars is hiring a Senior Data Scientist
Location: London, United Kingdom

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Good evening. It's 6PM, Tuesday, 28th November. The headlines: In , all 41 workers trapped in a tunnel have been successfully rescued. In the , Michael Gove has testified at the Inquiry, acknowledging the government's slow response to the pandemic and apologizing for mistakes made. Separately, a toxic gas threat looms over millions in the Middle East.

Almost a million in the do not own a book The Guardian

This is shameful but its also linked to .


get blocked by key Labour figure. Out of spite

My latest is here as we recap Episodes 9 and 10! With my cohost being a new viewer, this week gave him a lot of questions about how the show handled the merge, the auction, and more interesting Tribal Councils. Not to mention him wondering why I was so angry at the end of Episode 10! Listen now:

A developer of messenger RNA therapies for respiratory and rare diseases says it received clearance to begin a clinical trial in the U.K. for an inhaled treatment for viral lung conditions.

UK Defence Intelligence: disputes ISW earlier claims that no gains were made in Avdiivka (more)

$100m Fund With A Conservative ROI Of $360m Investment Opportunity - Updated Deck


Two museum stories in the news today, both about "contested heritage":

Pink News: UK human rights watchdog under review over allegations of harming trans rights

Czech President criticises West for broken promises on weapons supply to Ukraine (more)

"Nissan to build three new electric car models at Sunderland plant"

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