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Unhappiness about the plot about Paul.

Guerre de Palestine
Dplacement forc de civils Rafah / Le plan de Ntanyahou est inacceptable , dit Mlanie Joly

- sanctions four accused of violence


: "Starmers purge is billed as the erasure of radical policies. But there is nothing radical about a wealth tax, a national care service or an ambitious insulation programme: this is mainstream social democracy. By deleting these policies, he is not bowing to centrism, but to an extreme agenda of austerity, privatisation, poverty and environmental destruction. Agreeing that Israel has the right to cut off water and power from Palestinians is not centrist, but extremist.

In these ways, though it might appease the billionaire media, Labour destroys hope, trust and a sense that politics is responsive to our needs. It opens the door for conspiracy fictions and the demagoguery they favour. Starmers dwindling band of loyalists assures me that once Labour is in office, it will recover its courage. But if the party introduces major policies that werent in the manifesto, it will be relentlessly attacked and with some justice for lacking a public mandate."

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Mon 12 Feb 2024 the Malmanac weathervane reports 6.3C, 81% relative humidity, pressure steady 1000mb. No precipitation. Wind is blowing 1.6mph from WNW, gusting to 7.4mph.


: "Staff at the Guardian newspaper are braced for cuts after bosses told them the publisher is on course to make a 39 million annual loss amid a slump in the wider digital advertising market.

The Guardians woes, revealed to staff at a meeting hosted by executives last week, come as several rivals also face what one analyst described as a perfect storm.

Newspaper publishing giant Reach and other news publishers cut hundreds of jobs last year, while broadcaster Channel 4 recently announced plans to axe 200 roles, citing ad market troubles.

Guardian staff were told last week the Scott Trust, the charitable organisation that owns the newspaper and its sister title the Observer, considers the current financial predicament as beyond acceptable or sustainable, according to one source."

There is another piece of hardware that I ordered last year: Starlabs StarLite Mk V - a 12.5 inch touchscreen notebook with foldable keyboard and coreboot BIOS. Hope manufacturing is really done meanwhile as claimed on the website last week and delivering is awaited after Feb 20th (end of chinese new year holidays).

"How old Christmas trees are helping to rebuild Lancashire's last remaining sand dunes"

At the Jazz Cafe in Camden to see Loscil team up with Lawrence English doing ambient music.
I love Loscil, never heard English before.
I have great hopes

Russia announces sanctions against 18 UK citizens (more)

NATO and President Biden criticize Trump for comments that 'put US & European soldiers lives at risk (Sky News VIDEO)

"Asthma emergency admissions plunged as lockdown improved air, Oxford study finds"

Russia announces sanctions against 18 UK citizens

"We are forced to state that Russophobically charged British representatives do not shy away trying to discredit the constitutional system and socio-political processes in our country," Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Russia Adds 18 British Citizens To Its Sanctions List (more)

NATO Can't Be 'A La Carte,' Borrell Says As Allies Blast Trump's Comments (more)


It has taken enough outcry to change the blind hold Israel has over the English speaking nations. For the first time has stated clearly that went over board in , and the is putting sanctions on settlers in the who have been engaged in Klan tactics. has destroyed Israels standing in the world, and further degrades it daily even with his own blind ally nations. They need to be viewed as just another country that can do horrible things if they know they can get away with it, just like any other nation. Once the halo effect is gone, they will have to deal with to effects of what they did, just like Germans did for many of their ancestors.
Keep up they pressure on your elected leaders, it's working, just way to slowly

Alligator snapping turtles are native to rivers and swamps in , and are recognisable thanks to their armour-like shells, which give them a pre-historic, dinosaur-like appearance.

Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross

I wonder how many people Ive looked at all my life and never seen. John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent

Weather at 6pm on Mon 12 Feb is fairly fine, showers likely, 6C (feels 2), pressure steady and 0.2mm rain. Humidity is 85%.

Today, I'm bringing to you an of which I made for my 4 project.
In and the it's a very popular (it was introduced in the 16th century), so popular that private gardens are open for visitors to see the flowers in this season.
Its name literally means "milk flower (Ancient Greek) of the snow (Latin)".

If you like it, you can have it in a mug or a totebag in my Gumroad shop.

'Lord Tugendhat added: What we are being asked to do really represents the sort of behaviour that the world associates with despots and autocracies, not with an established democracy, not with the Mother of Parliaments. It is a bill we should not even be asked to confront, let alone pass.'

The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, its indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, its indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, its indifference. Elie Wiesel

'I have been a member of Parliament for a very long time on and off, and I have been a member of the Conservative party for some 66 years when I counted it up, and I do have to say that I find it quite extraordinary that the party of Margaret Thatcher should be introducing a Bill of this kind, Lord Tugendhat said.'

"Ny-lesund: How UK scientists are studying climate change in the Arctic"

"Nick Hornbys Brain-Bending Sculptures Twist History Into New Shapes"

"British sculptor Nick Hornby uses computer modeling to make mashups of famous artworks and historical figures that shift and change depending on your perspective."

Massive win: Barclays will stop funding new oil and gas fields
67 minutes

The move sends an important signal about the banks appetite for fossil fuel financing, but campaigners say theres still a way to go

Britain sent key equipment to Russia worth $100 million, including semiconductors and drones, despite a significant decrease in trade between the two countries compared to 2022. British technologies are still finding their way to the Russian army, often indirectly through foreign third parties, nearly two years after the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine.

Commander: Russian invaders again learning from US and British military media analyst, who continue teaching them by suggesting tactical and strategic suggestions during broadcasts, stop using 'human wave' attacks in Avdiivka, instead deploys small assault groups (more)

: Swinton Footbridge Abutments -right bank
: bridge abutments

to replace physical immigration cards with e-visas

Moving home
Make sure you let your energy supplier know so you dont end up paying too much for your gas and electricity or paying for energy you didnt use.
Here are what steps you should take

Citizens Advice East Lancashire is here to help!
Visit our website for contact details

Be kind to your mind:  The UK government has put together some helpful Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff   

If a crisis erupts in politics we can be sure that its overdetermined by the accumulation of contradictions elsewhere in the structure. Individual crises might be manageable, but whats deadly is the way in which all of these contradictions feed back on each other.

Sony is hiring a Senior Data Scientist - Strategic Insights
Location: London, United Kingdom

hit by significant long-run cost of business live -
s Doppelgnger analysis suggests UK real has unperformed similar nations by 5% since 2016 vote

/ Sanctions against extremist Israeli settlers in West Bank

Britain imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers for involvement in violent attacks against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The sanctions include financial and travel restrictions, with Britain urging to take stronger action to stop settler violence, which has reached unprecedented levels over the past year.

Study reveals winners and losers from climate and land-use change

New research from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Northumbria University has determined that as warm-loving species expand their ranges under climate change, Britain's landscapes are losing their biological uniqueness

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