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Ukraine conducts live fire drills to train troops near Belarus border (The Sun VIDEO)

Overnight Russian drone attack wounds four in Ukraine (The Telegraph News VIDEO)

We're about 5 episodes into Oz drama Spirited (2010-2011) and if you liked Matt King in Peep show then you'll love this. Just finished an episode with a great plot twist. On Freeve in the UK if, like me you don't want to / can't pay for your streaming.


How the UK Security Services neutralised the countrys leading liberal newspaper:

politics will be back in for 'necessity'

I fully agree - I mean, who would not want to enjoy all the in Global Britain that were described in this very honest advert

yes you are right correcting me about the vote (my mistake)

and yes the never was committed to the construction

but UK back in the EU .... it will happen,

will accept the back ... no doubt about that
but this time UK will NO longer have the right of veto in the Parliament (as She had before)
and I hope it will take less than 35 years
The UK cannot survive 35 more years isolated, ... (She is already on her knees now)
cannot let England become a 'land of cannibals'

ICAO code:
Operator: Royal Air Force
Speed: 818 kmh
Altitude: 10363 m
Distance: 4.3 km
Angle : 67.3
Direction ->: WNW


Seen: 4x

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This deal underlines how everyone had got used to easy trading without borders and customs and how the brexshit destroyed that comfort. And now everyone wants it back, so they have to make backtracking deals like this:
"All new laws at Westminster would be checked to ensure they did not compromise unfettered trade with Northern Ireland"
"... thereby removing the need for what because (sic!) known as the Brexit sea border"

Nearly 10,000 civilians died in Ukraine due to Russian aggression, with 18,000 children among the victims. These are the known numbers from territories controlled by the Ukrainian government. The Deputy Chief of the National Police emphasized that the full truth is still unknown and it will be necessary to gather evidence in the future. The atrocities committed in the occupied territories are feared to be even worse. Ukrainians died not only from shelling but also from smoke and suffocation.

is now back to being what she was in 1974
(I was there)
not only economically but also socially
for all the bureaucratic procedures (if they start NOW)
it will take at least 5 maybe 7 years before the can re-join the
(NOT the position of power she had before)
it will take at least 5 years before English society readjusts to Social Standards
A generation of Youth -burned-
for the idiotic desire of power of a coupple of nationalists.

This door in Exeter Cathedral dates back to the 14th century - and likely features the oldest "cat flap" in the UK, if not the world

"Serious ongoing in the biggest food producing areas of . Parts of suffering unprecedented . Food prices across Europe and the could rise even more. The Climate crisis is ultimately a food supply crisis."
(Peter Dynes)

says could 'secretly veto' global tools

"How simple changes can open up Britains green spaces so everyone can benefit from them"

A close up shot of a Spiderwort flower

FP: US, Germany push to delay Ukraine NATO membership invite

for Freedom of Information release:
Bus stop ownership - Canary Wharf
"Bus stops in London that are served by operated buses are owned by TfL with some bus shelters being owned by 3rd parties."

The House of Lords issued a report on Jan. 31 condemning the "incomprehensible" failure of the government to spend frozen funds from russian oligarch roman abramovich's sale of football club (FC) on aid for .

The sale of Chelsea FC generated $3.2 billion, which abramovich said he would donate to Ukraine.

Report Link

London, England, UK
Apple iPhone 14 Pro
September 2023

Good evening. It's 6PM, Wednesday, 31st January. The headlines: The DUP has consented to a power-sharing restoration in Northern , with details now public. An imminent briefing with the DUP and government is anticipated. At the Inquiry, Nicola Sturgeon maintained her duty was to Scots, not Boris Johnson, refuting claims of concealing Covid decision-making and supporting Scottish medical advisers.

Ol' Fat Hands wants us to do the gardening for him for free, because we've just been lying around with nothing to do otherwise y'see...lazy peasant scum that we are.
We need his reptilian guidance to lead our feckless lives, he's soooo useful and relevant. /s

"I'm alive, Pa! I'm in Ukraine!"
- Ukrainian soldier makes his first phone call home after returning from Russian captivity.

Putin discusses that "historical Russia has risen."

Meanwhile, according to an opinion poll conducted by Russian Public Opinion Research Center in January, less than 10% of Russians feel pride in Putin, the Russian armed forces and their actions in Ukraine.

'Grossly irresponsible: hands out 24 new and licences

The move to grant 17 companies the right to drill for is a pipe dream that will do little for , say

I have just seen the parliamentary answer given yesterday. Apparently all 2023/24 funding had been disbursed before suspension was announced. There will thus be no material effect until April. This gives a window of two months in which the suspension could be lifted if the government can be persuaded. Not sure whether other countries are in a comparable situation.

UK PM Rishi Sunak has revealed details about his rigorous wellness routine which includes a 36 hour fasting period.

Tyne and Wear: Free travel for United fans this weekend

Westminster voting intention by age by YouGov.

The percent of people willing to give their vote to Reform UK is


Stoltenberg discusses assistance to Ukraine with US congressmen

Tipp: umfangreicher Beitrag des zdf speziell zum der und seine Strategien erklrt.

UK lawmakers criticize failure to use funds from Russian oligarch Abramovich's sale of Chelsea FC for Ukraine (more)

"Ancient rainforest to be restored in Devon, with 100,000 trees planted this winter"

settles post- grievances with and agrees to move on after 2 years of unrest between and

Married drug barons were sentenced to 33 years each after exporting seven tons of cocaine to Australia and laundering the profits in a car wash. The couple also stand accused of adopting a boy so they could kill him for the insurance.

: Bridge 2
: pipe bridge
: Photo by Andrew Batram on Flickr

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