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UK unveils sanctions against Iran after plot to kill two TV presenters exposed (Sky News VIDEO)

ukhksymposium RT by benedictrogers: We are pleased to announce that the - Symposium 2024 is scheduled to take place from 27-29/4 in . Please mark your calendars and stay tuned!

Actually, the rot started with who failed his obligations under the Budapest memorandum. The and the failed to help enforce the memorandum.


Russian Federation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America

Gladstone is the first Native American to be nominated for a best actress Oscar.

Fewer Wild Birds Are Visiting Gardens in the UK, Survey Finds

:appleinc: has attacked proposals for the government to pre-approve new features introduced by tech firms

Under the proposed amendments to existing laws, if the declined an update, it then could not be released in any other country, and the public would not be informed

The government is seeking to update the Investigatory Powers Act

says it is an "unprecedented overreach" by the government


Good WILL overcome evil if good stands together as one!

We will fly again one day

Ukraine before the Russian invasion.

'Israels allies accelerate genocide by freezing UNRWA funds. Several of Israels allies have suspended funding to the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) following allegations that 12 of its employees were involved in the 7 October attacks led by Hamas. The Israeli allegations appear to be based off of confessions made by Palestinian detainees, likely under conditions of torture. Human rights experts warn that suspending aid to UNRWA at present is a violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention.'

The amount of kids, all boys, in emergency room for head concussions from playing sports it's scary. Mostly rugby. Why isn't this sport banned in schools yet The long-term brain damage is well documented.

yeah... this is a healthy government and country...



Apple says UK could 'secretly veto' global privacy tools.

Or, more likely, UK gets treated like the broken fucktard of a country it is and gets no new tech at all.

UK law changes pose a threat to NHS communication, doctors warn

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

In the UK, disposable vapes will be banned to reduce youth smoking. According to Action on Smoking and Health, 7.6% of 11-17-year-olds vape regularly or occasionally, compared to 4.1% in 2020. Vapes are considered safer than regular cigarettes as they do not contain tobacco, but their long-term effects are not fully studied. They may contain chemicals, including nicotine.

What you support if you support the israel / US coalition of never ending mass deception and mass destruction

US to deploy nukes in UK for first time in 15 years amid Russian aggression (Kanal 13 - Azeri News in English VIDEO)

Girl under Gaza rubble asks rescuers to help relatives first

The video speaks for itself and what you support if you support the US israel coalition

Chinese water deer taken at Carlton Marshes

Good evening. It's 6PM, Monday, 29th January. The headlines: The Lords debate a Rwanda bill over safety fears. The aims to outlaw single-use vapes, with youth usage surging. King Charles leaves hospital. Globally, 's nears collapse, and the deaths of three US soldiers by the Jordan-Syria border intensify scrutiny on President .

Protect environment laws that are hanging by a thread

The U.K. Drops Proposed Ban That Would Have Restricted the Import of Body Parts from Trophy Hunts

Wider Europe Briefing: Can Europe Step Up Weapons Deliveries To Kyiv (More)

U.S., Britain Slap Sanctions Against 11 Iranian Officials Accused Of Attacks On Regime Critics Abroad (more)

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)



() Senior UX Product Designer, Mobile

the 12 staff that were involved on October 7th.

As well as the UNRWA as a whole lmao

If any other country wants to donate as much as the 's $364 million dollars, they're welcome to

Russians vandalize and commit crimes in London, because London will be Russia according to Russians.
The video shows the London monument to Vladimir the Great, Prince of Kyivan Rus being vandalized by a Russian collaborator! (VIDEO)

"NATO should prepare for Russian missile strikes in Europe", The Times. Alliance countries hope to agree on the introduction of the "military Schengen" system, which will allow military convoys to move freely through the territory of NATO countries.

Media white washes 75 years of brutal occupation apartheid and imprisonment

Irish Politician Clare Daly Criticises European Medias Coverage Of Gaza Dawn News English

Funding withdrawal based on an unproven israeli allegation is unjust, immoral and a disgrace

'Edinburgh has become the first city in Scotland to enforce a ban on pavement parking.'

: Lock 33, Aynho Weir Lock
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: Photo by LeeWilshire on Flickr

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Inside Gaza

What a loss to Mr Blobby tribute acts and shopping centre Christmas elves everywhere. The Honey Monster will never be the same again.

"...Fox said he faced a 'significant decline' in the number and quality of roles he was offered after he was accused of being a racist in the social media row..."

Govts trying to starve Gazans, blocking aid$:

1/3 of the entirety of Israel's government ministers attended the pro-ethnic cleansing "Return to " rally, where ministers named before the as perpetrators of statements of genocidal intent, like & made renewed statements of their genocidal intent:

Israeli Terrorism

UK moves to ban disposable vapes amid rising use in kids
The U.K. will ban the sale of disposable vapes and limit the use of candy-flavored e-cigarettes to prevent children from becoming addicted to nicotine, officials said Monday.

It's high time our society start doing something for those poor tories forced to serve in governement for a mere pitance.

Please somebody help him to fill the form for universal credit

Israeli police attack jewish anti-war demonstrators

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