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They didn't really place it into the UK , did they!


Thanks if you took part. I'll talk about the results, as well as other fun little snippets, and Netflix's tonight on : THE , , and . Subscribe here:

Guerre de Palestine
Actes de gnocide

"An 1,800-year-old Roman statue was found in a UK parking lot. How it got there is a mystery."

"'I couldn't believe it when they told me it was a Roman marble statue,' the construction employee said of the discovery in Peterborough, England."

"recent graduates from that the Guardian has spoken to say they have been subjected to , and other forms of by Chinese authorities for criticising the party while on soil. China is increasingly targeting people outside its borders in a tactic known as transnational , which aims to stifle debate or criticism."

VCA , ePaper , Monday, 25 March 2024

Weather at 6pm on Mon 25 Mar is fairly fine, showers likely, 6C (feels 4), pressure steady and 3.8mm rain. Humidity is 93%.

News at 6PM: The UN Security Council has called for an immediate in . MPs are being briefed on a potential cyber threat from , amid fears of targeted attacks and compromised voter information. 's chief is poised to step down during a safety crisis. In Moscow, four men face terrorism charges after a fatal attack. The probes Big Tech over anti-competitive behaviour, as confronts a deadline to settle a reduced $175m bond before his silence-payment trial.

Les diffrents webinaires de la confrence annuelle du consortium Research Libraries UK sont en ligne sur

Terrible customer service from again this weekend. After "scam" as you go a full trolley, a poor lady had to manually scan all the shop, item by item, because I was "randomly" selected for a full verification.
10 minutes waiting until she finished. not mentioning that they no longer have a email, so you cannot email a complaint, and the shop doesn't provide any form either.


Israeli MP targets South Africa, faces ridicule and called liar at UN event -eg lies like Hamas eats children as he claims in video

"The sleepy appearance of Collyweston village today belies its significance as a stage on which key events relating to the Tudor dynasty were played out."

Political instability undermining sustainable business investments in UK, survey finds

Sustainability professionals in the UK have ranked political instability and uncertainty as the biggest challenge they face in developing and delivering impactful projects, with eight in ten waiting for the general election in the hopes of renewed green ambitions from policymakers

"Literary magazine attacked over anti-Israel cover story"

"A cover story essay in the latest issue of the London Review of Books (LRB), entitled The Shoah After Gaza has been denounced for its attacks on Israel.

The nearly 8,000 word essay, by Indian-born Hindu writer Pankaj Mishra, fails to mention the Hamas murders of 1200 Israelis in southern Israel on October 7, nor the kidnapping of hostages and their use as a bargaining chip by Hamas."

Mindshare is hiring a Data Science
Location: London, United Kingdom

La journe du 25 mars 2024 en quatre actualits politiques  

See related NCSC-UK press release: UK calls out China state-affiliated actors for malicious cyber targeting of UK democratic institutions and parliamentarians. "APT31, a China state-affiliated actor, was almost certainly responsible for targeting UK parliamentarians emails in 2021.

The Updated APT Playbook: Tales from the Kimsuky threat actor group

The Kimsuky threat actor group, also known as Black Banshee or Thallium, originates from North Korea and has been active since at least 2012, Kimsuky focuses primarily on intelligence gathering. Researchers believe Kimsuky is using CHM files which are delivered in several ways, as part of an ISOVHDZIP or RAR file. The reason they would use this approach is that such containers have the ability to pass the first line of defense and then the CHM file will be executed.

Pulse ID: 6601a1ded54ba4a842d23988
Pulse Link:
Pulse Author: AlienVault
Created: 2024-03-25 16:10:06

Be advised, this data is unverified and should be considered preliminary. Always do further verification.

: Bridge 49, Black Lion Footbridge
: towpath bridge
: Photo by HackAway on Flickr


Chinese spies use , bugs to sell access into top , networks

A former Tory MP who was facing the prospect of being removed from his seat by voters has announced he is resigning from parliament - triggering another by-election

At this rate theyll be more leaving than staying by the time of the general election.

But then, most of those who stay will probably lose their seats.


Why ISIS attacked Russia and why Russia blames Ukraine

UK, Germany Say Agreement Will Boost Scientific Partnerships in Quantum, AI Insider Brief UK and Germany announced an agreement to boost scientific ties and establish a joint group of experts. The UK Science and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan, and German Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger announced the agreement. The teams expect to find joint opportunities in


UN Security Council votes to demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as the US gets out of the way of humanity


UK Recognizes Israels Persecution of Palestinians

In an asylum case, a "Palestinian citizen of Israel won asylum in the UK, citing apartheid & persecution.

"This is a victory not just for me but for all Palestinians living under the apartheid Israeli regime, said the asylum seeker.


"We don't have any friends so fucked off to Mauritius for our Wedding"

This nation is one giant grift.

Good afternoon. It's 3PM, Monday, 25th March. The headlines: MPs are set to be briefed on the cyber threat posed by , as concerns over a potential cyber attack grow. The UN Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire in following reports of smoke bombs being deployed near a hospital. In entertainment, Sheridan Smith is making her comeback on the West End, while Esther Ghey champions mindfulness in schools.

Barbara Bain and Martin Landau - Space: 1999 (1975)
(Known as Cosmos 1999 in France)

DrupalCamp Cemaes Brings Drupal Camps Back to the UK

Tick tock, drip drop... At 14:00 hrs on Mon 25 Mar 2024 the Malmanac weathervane reports 7.7C, 92% relative humidity, pressure falling fast 998mb. 2.8mm precipitation so far today. Wind is blowing 2.0mph from E, gusting to 6.3mph.

Bringing Access Back Initial Access Brokers Exploit F5 BIG-IP (CVE-2023-46747) and ScreenConnect

In late October 2023 and February 2024, cybersecurity firm Mandiant reported novel N-day exploitations of vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-46747 and CVE-2024-1709) in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface and Connectwise ScreenConnect, respectively. These exploitations were linked with moderate confidence to UNC5174, a China-based threat actor believed to be a contractor for China's Ministry of State Security. UNC5174, using custom tooling and the SUPERSHELL framework, has reportedly attempted to sell access to US defense contractor appliances, UK government entities, and Asian institutions, and has compromised hundreds of institutions primarily in the US and Canada.

Pulse ID: 6601788cff0e704171219cdd
Pulse Link:
Pulse Author: AlienVault
Created: 2024-03-25 13:13:48

Be advised, this data is unverified and should be considered preliminary. Always do further verification.

UK PM Sunak states that UK is taking measures to protect itself from China, noting China's increasing assertiveness.

" and accused of financing despite pledge
Two major high street have been accused of continuing to finance expansion in the North Sea despite signing a pledge to align their activities with the net zero goal.

HSBC and NatWest have provided tens of millions in finance to Energy, a oil and company that is playing a key role in plans to exploit the controversial oilfield north-west of the Islands. Another high street bank, , also provided finance but has since sold down the debt.

A group of more than 80 organisations including , and the have written to the banks chief executives calling on them to cease funding Ithaca and to end their relationship with the company."

Largest Gold Nugget Ever in UK Found: Treasure-Hunter Reveals His Secret

Be kind to your mind:  Loneliness can affect anyone. Taking some of these actions can help you feel more positive and connected with other people.   

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