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The UK has committed 4.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine so far (2.3 billion in 2022 and a commitment to match that funding in 2023). Which is really about regime change in Russia. Whilst, it has committed to contributing a mere 60 million towards the Climate Damage Fund!

How will Hodge do this - is she finally going to stop drinking

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Only Way to Save Is to Reboot Organisation without Russia Ukraine's Foreign Minister

New suggests more likely to come from .

The , conducted by researchers at the and published in the on Wednesday (29 November), analysed the of more than seven million people, to identify among the .

Sanctions targeting Russian oil are falling apart. What will the West do (More)



....which are threatened by extinction because of sea-level rise, will have dedicated seats...

Several countries immediately announced their intended contribution to the fund. The and each said they would give $100 million. The pledged more than $50 million, and committed to a paltry $10 million. The said it would provide a miserly, laughable $17.5 million, a small number...

eHealth: Umstrittenes Unternehmen Palantir gewinnt grten Datendeal Englands

"Das fr seine Spionage-Software bekannte Unternehmen Palantir bekommt einen Auftrag fr das englische Gesundheitswesen. Brgerrechtler und rzte sind alarmiert."

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska was named one of the 25 most influential women in the world in 2023 by the British newspaper Financial Times. She was included in the "Heroes" category. The first lady was described by Estonian Prime Minister (More)

yes very much so! I am setting up to move from to .

So your blogs on moving US to Canada would still be incredibly interesting and useful I bet. Would you mind linking the blogs

worry that might be after new .

everywhere were on the edge of their seats after an with .

accused of using his to spread and through , a has revealed.

enables people to purchase from their .

next project for you... IOT auto bin warmer with built in flame thrower... Not sure how we coped in winters gone by.

back across and still , says .

The -wide , marking its 10th , was pivotal to Atkins decision to in 2017. He tells why it matters.

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Show Me The Money! European arms industry calls for 'orders, not just targets' (more)

More European Leaders Distract From FACT that European Defense Contractors produce sufficient supplies but sell them to others rather than shipping to Ukraine UK Foreign Secretary urges allies to ramp up arms production for Ukraine (more)

Ashleigh on surprised EVERYONE watching by telling us Lee could be difficult when disagreements arose. And here we thought he was an easygoing guy who always considered the opinions of others. 2nd TikTok today:

You can also find out this surprising information about Lee as a YouTube Short:

Or on Instagram:

President Zelensky stresses importance of air shield in conversation with UK PM (more)


Weather at 6pm on Thu 30 Nov is settled fine, 0C, pressure steady and no rain today. Humidity is 90%.

No More Lip Service! Ukraine receives smallest amount of external financing in last six months (more)

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

News at 6PM: RMT rail workers have voted to accept a new pay deal. Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who resigned in June 2021, testified that the government should have implemented lockdown measures three weeks earlier and that the 's pandemic preparations were insufficient. He also mentioned Dominic Cummings hindered the response. Boris Johnson is scheduled to give evidence next week. Shane MacGowan, lead singer of The , has passed away at age 65.

I'm still in shock (like most of the ) that we voted Leave. Not even the Brexiteer's expected victory.

used similar tactics to in 1930s , by blaming the UK's ills on foreigners, & claimed the only way we could regain our sovereignty & control of our borders, was by leaving the .

It came as little surprise that we've just posted the highest migration figures in history, with most people being non-EU after 1.8m Europeans left through .

Sussex: Christian climate protesters interrupt live BBC broadcast

By Shola LeeBBC News, Sussex
Christian Climate Action Climate protesters holding a banner that reads: Chichester Diocese funds climate chaos

Christian Climate Action
The climate protesters held signs and made speeches interrupting the live broadcast

Protesters interrupted a BBC broadcast over a diocese's fossil fuel ties

If you havent signed this petition, please consider it and if you approve: sign it then share, share & share.

UK tells OSCE Russian invasion must be completely defeated and beaten out of Ukraine (more)

The UK's imposed economic sanctions on itself

Absolutely true.

The tory government has a scorched earth approach to make the job of a future government impossible.

UK Foreign Secretary calls for increase of weapons production to help Ukraine win (more)

President Zelensky, Prime Minister Sunak discuss priority needs to enhance Ukraine Army, air defenses (more)

The segment w/ the American English teacher posing as a journalist in Isabel Yeung's latest doc on China's interference in the is something I've seen before. I know at least 3 people from my time in China who were approached for that type of work. All of the folks I know were approached by ppl identifying as reps & asked to conduct interviews with foreign politicians about China-related topics. All said no to the offer & all no longer live in .

Government intervenes in Abu Dhabi's bid to buy Telegraph

Not called the torygraph for nothing.

For those are in academia, you would perhaps notice that many dept are practicing "no replacement" for retired technician, partly due to what and were discussing about: the legality of employment. So in reality it is hard to get university to commit for a long term technician post (business case involved). What surpise me is only 20+ % of us would consider postdoc in the face of willing to recruit multiple PhD. Where would PhD graduates go in a few yrs time 2/4

The CFP process for has been extended to midnight on Sunday, 3 December, including my track.

Submit your proposal

My 2nd Mini of the week is here! Ashleigh appeared to be in a good position until her spot was blown up & she lost their trust. What should she have done differently, with these players Why Ashleigh Lost in 2 min:

You can also find out Why Ashleigh Lost in just a couple minutes on YouTube:

Or Instagram:

: Bridge 15B, Weir Bridge
: towpath bridge
: Photo by Andrew Batram on Flickr

challenge to constitutionally unprecedented

brings civil case to quash back-door regulations making it easier for to stop

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