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Team from , and make major gravity could spark new theory of everything BBC Focus Magazine

UK will boost humanitarian aid to Ukraine by over $10 million (more)

Another photo of the lovely Bluetit from the woods today

The unpredicability of weather is a change impact on global food supply.
This from the .
'Our yields are going to be appalling: one of wettest winters in decades hits Englands farms

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Sat 24 Feb 2024 the Malmanac weathervane reports 5.7C, 82% relative humidity, pressure steady 996mb. 0.2mm precipitation so far today. Calm.

Well that's not a bird on the seed feeder!!!

"UK researchers identify optimal heat pump design minimizing system transition costs"

U.K. Pledges 245 Million Pounds To Boost Ukraine Artillery Reserves (more)

London, United Kingdom (PHOTO)


"A lost budgie, affectionately named Budge Lightyear after it was found at a UK space attraction, is looking for its owner"

The brightly coloured yellow-and-green bird was discovered on Thursday by a visitor at the National Space Centre in Leicester, and alerted staff

Bead by bead, every emotion gets released, every thought about aesthetics and expression is composed into handmade pieces, then hopefully, sent to people who would celebrate their unique beauty with those pieces.

Use code SKALYISBACK on my little Etsy shop for 30% off everything:

President Zelensky meets with English former PM Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson, thank you for being in Kyiv on this day! Thank you for your sincere support of Ukraine, President Zelensky said (VIDEO)

Something newish for me - A Meadow Pipit (only my second ever sighting)

A small, brown, and streaky bird. In flight, it shows white outer tail feathers and, in the breeding season, it has a fluttering display flight.
Meadow Pipit numbers in the UK have been declining since the mid-1970s, resulting in this species being included on the Amber List of conservation concern. (RSPB)


UK will allocate 245 million pounds for ammunition for Ukraine

On the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, the UK government said it would invest 245 million ($310 million) over the year to supply Ukraine with artillery shells.

British Defense Minister Grant Shapps stressed that ammunition is what Ukraine desperately needs at the moment. Adding that the world will not be safe unless we stop a tyrant like Putin.

Is there a good compact USB-C charger that has a working ground-pin

Today's music:

Delilah Bon Ft ALT BLK ERA - WITCH

Another nice day at Pittsford Water. Walked the other half of it today after visiting for the first time yesterday. Here is a Cormorant flying late in the day

Good afternoon to all friends of the birds.

Yes You! Bluetit...

"Anderson Suspended After Claim London Mayor Controlled by Islamists"

"Conservative Lee Anderson suspended for refusal to apologize."

Public surveillance-

will allocate 280 million for the purchase and production of artillery shells for Ukraine.

The announced the transfer of the VERA-NG radar to Ukraine.

In A-50 aircraft, which was shot down yesterday, 10 crew members died.

to allocate more than 3 billion Canadian dollars in aid to Ukraine in 2024.

By the end of March, the will transfer almost 170,000 shells to Ukraine, - Kuleba

It's hailing, but with very tiny stones.

Rishi Sunak and King Charles praise Ukraines valour on war anniversary

PM says UK will renew our determination to support Kyiv as political leaders praise countrys spirit of resistance

Next crime wave: pregnant/nursing mother shoplifters, fraudsters, scammers, drug dealers and mules.

UK intelligence estimates Russian losses as of second year of full-scale invasion (more)

Former UK Prime Minister Johnson arrives in Kyiv (PHOTOS and more)

Dear Windowlicking, Mouthbreathing Starmeroid Dipshits still trying to blame Corbyn for Bozo's 3-word sloganeered 80-seat majority that helped Starmer's party leadership campaign,

Read and learn, red-tory fuckwits.

: Bridge 7C, Old Lancs & Yorks Railway Br
: railway bridge

UK invests 280 million in purchase and production of artillery for Ukraine (more)

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrives in Kyiv (more)

"ASA clears Ford advert following zero-emissions claim"

More Key Takeaways from the Feb. 23 Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

The , , , and the announced new sanctions packages aimed at constraining s war effort in .

Lawyer's powerful speech spelling out case against Israel for crimes against Palestine at the Hague

Yes! You make an important point - s apparent unquestioning allegiance to the cause of , a foreign power, *must* have national security implications! Same goes for the Tories btw!

Its also important to draw certain conclusions from the obvious clout that the wields over the Labour leadership! Imo, when Trevor Chinn, Board of Deputies of British Jews, BICOM, Israel Embassy or Lawyers for Israel (among many others) tell Kier the to Jump, he replies: How high

Indeed, Luke Akehurst of and We Believe in Israel fame, imo is a paid agent of the genocidal Israeli state!

Lest we forget also: Starmer recruited Assaf , former () member of the profoundly sinister military intelligence unit, , to Labours online surveillance team!

Unit8200 is responsible for the suffocating surveillance of the captive Palestinian population - gathering personal information and using it to blackmail individuals into becoming collaborators with the Israeli occupation authorities!

This article on the Unit by Australias ABC News reports that:

Any information that might enable extortion of an individual is considered relevant information, one soldier's statement said.

"Whether said individual is of a certain sexual orientation, cheating on his wife, or in need of treatment in Israel or the West Bank he is a target for blackmail."

Any Palestinian may be targeted and may suffer from sanctions, such as the denial of permits, harassment, extortion, or even direct physical injury."

Makes you wonder what Kaplan is *really* doing to earn his keep!


La journe du 24 fvrier 2024 en quatre actualits politiques

Quick look at UK breaking news. FFS.

Israeli Inhuman Occupation , Apartheid and illgeal Settlements Biggest Obstacle To Two-State Solution and peace

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