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Russia winning the Drone War as China stops selling to Ukraine and arms Russia (Kanal13 - Azeri News in English VIDEO)

Rishi Sunak, PM of the is echoing what totalitarian politicians around the are about anti-trans and anti- rhetoric, The in the in , and Putin in are parroting the exact same garbage. It is means to a greater end, and I wish people would draw the comparisons.

I posted this in a thread but reposting this educational video from for Change drawing comparisons between in 1930s Nazi Germany and modern day , which also applies to , and now the .

President Zelensky, Prime Minister Sunak discuss lasting global support for Ukraine (VIDEO and more)

United Kingdom will provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including:
34 million for the UN and charities providing shelter and warm winter clothing to Ukrainians
10 million for electricity
500 million for winterization assistance for three million families.

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Thu 5 Oct 2023 the Malmanac weathervane reports 16.3C, 82% relative humidity, pressure falling slowly 1013mb. 1.2mm rainfall so far today. Wind is blowing 3.4mph from S, gusting to 12.8mph.

Dezeen : Dezeen Debate features Rishi Sunak's "regressive" plans to stop 15-minute cities #15-minutecity

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

New Study Shows The Gulf Stream Is Definitely Weakening - Understanding the Changes Could Help Predict Future Trends in Extreme Events
<-- shared technical article
<-- shared paper

always seeks a profit in wars

Hey , youve been fucked! s World. . Sunaks spiteful sale of land intended for HS2 dashes hopes of revival

Ach ja: Hier mehr zur , bei der die die kleinen Brder solcher berwachungsinstrumente in jedes Phone einpflanzen wollte (wie auch die ge--eten -ler).

Hier alles im Namen der dort unter dem Vorwand des . Aber immer als Kampf gegen die .

, a funded by the :

"Onward has had a meteoric rise five of its founding advisory board members have taken roles in Conservative cabinets and its reports regularly feature in print and broadcast media.

Onward has called for the Tory government to apply windfall taxes on renewables rather than oil and gas giants and has proposed diversifying 'energy supplies through greater use of oil and coal in the short term'."

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &


Irelands prime minister has said he is concerned to see the UK disengaging from the world, and accused it of turning inwards by leaving the EU, slashing international aid and now considering abandoning a human rights treaty.

Leo Varadkar warned that Brexit, aid cuts and talk of abandoning the European Convention on Human Rights are not the Britain I know.

The uk used to be able to achieve things like world domination and now they can't even build a railway track.

international survey shows strong support for a () and binding world laws.

in total 60% of respondents favor such an institution to address global issues. people from and approve most, while from and came least support. public demand for reform evident:

Another mass murder of civilians by Russian invaders seems to have been planned by collaborators or spies. According to local sources, during the missile attack on the village of Groza, a memorial dinner was being held in a cafe. That is why so many people were gathered in one place. (VIDEO)

It's an issue all people in the climate movement face. For example, I'm interested in a role for the environment agency in the
But, it includes travel to various, sometimes remote sites. I'm not sure if I'd be using an EV or a Diesel vehicle (You'd think an environment agency would be the first to lead by setting a good example)
So, the way I'm thinking is that if it were up to me, I'd use public transport as much as possible, but, I doubt they'd consider that due to travel time

Satellite images from October 1, confirming departure of the main part of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol.

Three submarines, two missile frigates and one patrol ship were redeployed to Novorossiysk.

A large landing ship and a number of small missile ships, as well as new minesweepers, went to Feodosia.

Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on this information.

"Rosebank shows the UK's offshore oil regulator no longer serves the public good"

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

President Zelenskyy spoke at the European Political Community meeting in Spain today.


Police publish the first minutes after Russia fired a missile at a cafe and grocery in the village of Hroza

: Four Crosses Winding Hole
: winding hole


YESTERDAY, the Russian Republicans in our US Congress affirmed their intention of cutting off all military aid to Ukraine.

TODAY, Putin bombed a busy Ukrainian grocery, leaving 51 shoppers dead and dozens wounded.


Today : 2023-10-05 Stigmabase Nordic Xperience

Nordic countries have much in common in their way of life, history, religion and social structure. They have a long history of political unions and other close relations but do not form a singular entity today.

The is the most aggressively anti-refugee administration in history, with laws threatening to send seekers to and language used to discuss linked to increasing unrest. Yet, warns millions more people will come to Britain, uncontrolled and unmanageable.

ICAO code:
Operator: Royal Air Force
Speed: 691 kmh
Altitude: 12192 m
Distance: 5.3 km
Angle : 66.5
Direction ->: WNW


Seen: 17x

Is that Putin or Trump speaking

as an exile from NI living in for 40yrs I feel exactly the same. To see the establishment machine aided & abetted by rubbishing so much that is good about what the /#Green coalition are as an scare tactic is grim.

I believe now that will reunify and leave the first and so provide Scotland with the trigger and confidence to take independence. Its inevitable just a shame to take so long


At least 51 dead after a Russian missile attack on a Ukrainian grocery store.

The Russian barbarism worsens.

Pink News: Pride event bans the Conservative Party from all events over transphobic hate

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People hate the Tory party: Conservative veterans anguish at Rishi Sunaks bleak, delusional conference

Cant argue with that

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Russian War Crimes!

At least 51 Ukrainians killed after Russian missile hits Ukranian grocery store!

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the strike on a northeast Ukrainian village a "demonstrably brutal Russian crime," and he promised a "powerful" response.

Department for Policy paper:
Network North

A 36 billion plan to improve the transport that people use every day.

The funding will be used to change our approach to transport infrastructure in line with 3 priorities.

Also, "Writing Time to Think was without doubt the hardest thing I have ever done, including the births of my two children" - is she just taking the piss here

(Speaking as someone who's attended several births, plus my own, I can say with confidence that they all would have much rather written a fucking book.)

It's garbage, but it's effective garbage. As the this week shows, it is very successful indeed.

It is concerning to watch UK disengage from the world, says Irish PM

s prime minister has said he is concerned to see the disengaging from the , and accused it of turning inwards by leaving the , slashing international aid and now considering abandoning a treaty.

What he means is

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