Make your UK Will online for Free.

Pants, moustaches and bird livers among missing museum artefacts.

A false moustache and a Queen Victoria drawing are among more than 1,700 items missing from museums in England.

and prepare to launch strikes against Houthis in

Hier idem op 3 dagen UK bezoek zoon met Eurostar in 2021 en 3x midweekje buiten seizoen met
de trein in 22-'23 Laatste keer 'echt' vakantie buitenland 2000 met busreis naar Llorret waar M en ik elkaar hebben leren kennen.

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

"National Grid: Wind slowly but surely replacing gas in UK electricity mix"

A Raven this morning in .

Interesting that UK apparently wants to communicate that military action against the Houthi's is coming. With an extra cabinet and Cobra meeting this evening.

My friend Little Mate (left) and his new girlfriend (right). First time I've managed to get near enough to her to take a photo. She seems to have some feathers missing around her left eye, not sure why. She seems ok though, very inquisitive and was investigating a bag I left on the ground this morning.
In .

' gave 2.6m to former boss in 2020, filings suggest

Exclusive: payment was made as the IT systems failings at PostOffices were emerging in court cases'

$50M taxpayer's grant (not loan) awarded to (after being acquired/merged recently by ) to 'play' with 'players' such as and (yes, the same Fujitsu as in the documentary mail scandal):

Brexit: EU 2035 3,110

UKs largest hydrogen hub gets green light from local authority

Common Darter Dragonfly

How the best chance to win the Ukraine war was lost

Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery, explores the historical life and contemporary significance of the Palestinian embroidered dress.

Although an ancient craft, embroidery remains the paradigmatic cultural material of Palestine today and its most prominent living tradition.

This exhibition is open to the public until 7th April 2024 and is being held at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Oxford Road, in Manchester.

Read more:

, what crisis

Bank of Dave founder shocked as mum asks for loan to buy baby formula


> Dave Fishwick, who set up a community-based bank in Burnley, says there is a "huge gap in society".

The Underground, Blackfriars Station, London, Nov. 26, 2023.

.been listening to the tories & reform uk

Or the other way round

German far-right met to plan 'mass deportations'

Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Horizon ICL

2022BBCMariko Oi ()


#Fujitsu #Horizon #UK

Flooding from King Tides gives glimpse of future sea level rise

Recent coastal flooding from higher than normal tides is giving us a glimpse of what we may experience with sea level rise and climate change in the coming years. Meteorologist Kari Hall reports

Sacked Wellingborough MP Peter Bone filmed campaigning for partner

Whose side is he on

Another labour sleeper

Andy: Future cult leader
Episode 13: We SO Sleepy!



Message aux populistes Frexiteurs et : le a dj cot 140 milliards de livres (162 milliards ) l'conomie british et caus la perte de 2 millions d'emplois en GB

Brexit Erased 140 Billion From UK Economy, London Mayor Says

London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Thursday will blame Brexit for costing the UK economy 140 billion ($178 billion), calling on the government to urgently rebuild relations with the European Union to stem the decline.

UK life expectancy has fallen. It's now back to where it was in 2010 according to the latest ONS figures.
The trend is global thanks to the pandemic but a decade of austerity and NHS underfunding has played a part in the UK figures.

ALERTA, Amerika


Are ALREADY Using the Playbook to Criminalize Existence

Targeting ADULTS as well as kids

:hearttrans: :heartnb:

:anqueerflag: :newpride: under attack in Amerika (and other places, incl )

Friendly Fire May Have Killed Their Relatives on Oct. 7. These Israeli Families Want Answers


Allies dont learn last years lessons! Allies stalling weapons deliveries is allowing Russian invaders to build new line of defense in the occupied territories of Zaporozhye and Donetsk region, - Fedorov. The new fortifications of the were recorded using a satellite operated by the European Space Agency (more)

Today : 2024-01-11 Stigmabase Nordic Xperience

Nordic countries have much in common in their way of life, history, religion and social structure. They have a long history of political unions and other close relations but do not form a singular entity today.

: Bridge 39C, Old Railway Br
: bridge abutments
: Photo by cvtperson on Flickr

The Lib Dems have asked Ofcom to investigate alleged bias in GB News' coverage of the Post Office scandal, including attacks on Sir Ed Davey

The party claims GB News hosts Nigel Farage and Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg targeted opposition politicians but overlooked Tory MPs' role in the scandal

Of Course, how else would you expect GB News et al to report

gb news is a far right propaganda machine


Brexit kostet 140 Milliarden Pfund jhrlich.

Mehr als drei Jahre nach dem Austritt Grobritanniens aus der EU zeigt sich: Die Wirtschaftsleistung in dem Land ist deutlich gesunken. Gleichzeitig sind Lebenshaltungskosten stark gestiegen.

Es ist jetzt offensichtlich, dass der Brexit nicht funktioniert, sagte Khan. Die harte Version des Brexit, die wir bekommen haben, zieht unsere Wirtschaft nach unten und treibt die Lebenshaltungskosten in die Hhe.

life expectancy falls to lowest level in a decade

BBC Audio series

Fixing Britain:

Louise Casey shares lessons from her experience executing government plans. She wants governments to understand the real issues, make appropriate plans and execute them in a timely manner. She says that leaders are usually insulated from real problems and only think abstractly or ideologically.

AFU Navy explains why Turkey prohibited ships gifted to Ukraine from entering Black Sea (more)

Watch in full: First day of ICJ hearings in South Africa's genocide case against Israel in Gaza

Free Will Registry for 2023