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Oh fuck
that's hilarious
Jacob Rees-Mogg
A staunch supporter of said on
Said the following
"You never get a trillion pounds for making trade more difficult. Everything that makes trade more difficult makes countries poorer"

the next step would be asking himself if counter arguing himself is doing him any good xD

I definitely had a reeeeeeallly good laugh at least xD

politics are definitely better than any slapstick comedy xD

If you see any bears on a swan pedalo, do not under any circumstances approach them. They will be hungry as they are on their way to the cafe for a slice of cake and a cup of tea.

"Englands farmers to get paid more for tree planting"

Islamic State releases photo of alleged perpetrators of Moscow shooting

Building in Kharkivs industrial zone hit by Russian missile


UK Defense Ministry: Russia might lose at least 10% of its refinery capacity after drone attacks

Drone attacks on Russia's oil refineries are likely to have disrupted at least 10% of the country's refinery capacity, the U.K. Defense Ministry said in its latest report. In the past weeks, Ukrainian forces have launched a series of drone strikes aimed at damaging Russia's oil industry.


The UK is the first and only nation to be found in violation of the Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities, mainly through its abysmal austerity policies.

By Rachel Charlton-Dailey

Fascinating colorized, interpolated and upscaled film footage of various cities in 1896. The rich Western people throwing food at Vietnamese children as if they are birds is unsettling

-funded forces putting with small-boat tactics

Exclusive: newly obtained footage and leaked documents show how a could arise from aggressive tactics employed by

Terror attack in Moscow: ISIS post photos of terrorists matching FSB's images (more)

The UK government is paying France to Stop the Boats. Now first-time footage reveals French police have violently intercepted dinghies sailing for Britain, risking the lives of people on board

Mass shooting in Russia: Belarus envoy leaves Putin's version in shambles

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)

Category: ATTACK

A slightly noisy shot of a plump Robin (Eurasian) stood in the shadows of some dense shrubbery.

Photo taken just as the hail storm finished this afternoon.

Tories censored for sharing misleading information on social media five times more often than Labour

Anyone surprised

To punctuate my many Robin and Bluetit photos, here is a Dunnock that was out after the hail storm this afternoon

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

My friend Hedgy with a beak full of mealworms for his mate, who I'm fairly sure is currently sitting on eggs. In in .

Common Frog in a pond today in .

Cameron urged to publish Foreign Office legal advice on Israels war in Gaza Israel-Gaza war The Guardian

Someone's been busy in the Blackthorn blossom..


Windsors Heartfelt Support: Public Reaction to Princess Kates Cancer News

When the bird song stops, the Robins continues.

The ultimate entertainer, the Eurasian Robin

Stanwick Lakes, UK

Live results from Dalton Smith vs Jose Zepeda. Updated round by round including action from the undercard.

Strange day today. 5 degrees C and sun with a few looming grey clouds. These, as it turned out, were loaded with hail .

Before the hail at Stanwick Lakes I saw only Crows, but after mainly Robins.

Here is one of the Robins (Eurasian Robin). Beautiful Bird.

Strange day today. 5 degrees C and sun with a few looming grey clouds. These, as it turned out, were loaded with hail .

Before the hail at Stanwick Lakes I saw only Crows, but after mainly Robins.

Here is one of the crows (Carrion Crow).

: Bridge 2 - Gas Pipe No 2
: pipe bridge

On our first full day on Skye, we eased ourselves in gently.
We elected for the Scorrybreac circuit at Portree, Skye's main settlement. For a short hike it offers fantastic views down Loch Portree and across the Sound of Raasay. Changing light conditions definitely helped.

Il raconte n'importe quoi en disant que c'est que dans les , et qu' l'international, les 2 partis auraient t traits de la mme faon impartialement. Ils ont surtout occult la plaidoirie sud-africaine partout en (en compris).

On our first full day on Skye, we eased ourselves in gently.

We elected for the Scorrybreac circuit at Portree, Skye's main settlement. For a short hike it offers fantastic views down Loch Portree and across the Sound of Raasay. Changing light conditions definitely helped.

More photos from this hike are waiting for you, right here ->

Cumpleaos 33 de Su Alteza Real Eugenia, Princesa de York.

La journe du 23 mars 2024 en quatre actualits politiques

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)

Category: ATTACK

Left without a voice: October could leave in unable to -

Universities and student unions were already nervous about the idea of an autumn election, when students are settling into new halls or houses and less likely to be focused on applying to joining the or acquiring that will be compatible with the governments new voter rules

Lobby and the . Anglo Governments are brothels. via BitChute and rule the as a FIEFDOM ... Same with the and ...

Lobby and the . Anglo Governments are brothels. via BitChute and rule the as a FIEFDOM ... Same with the and ...

Lobby and the . Anglo Governments are brothels. via and rule the as a FIEFDOM ... Same with the and ...

As motor vehicle use increases with population size, they can't just keep ignoring the problem.

Although this is likely low down their list of plans, I would like to see the gaps in the cycle network plugged too, so that quieter tertiary roads, unclassified roads and residential roads are more seamlessly linked.

In order to get from one tertiary or unclassified road to another, you're often forced onto a primary road (A-road) or secondary road (B-road) which are really no fun on a bike. What's particularly frustrating is that there's often an empty footpath already running alongside the road however as it's a footpath, not a dual use path or bridleway we can't use it.

Example 1:
Press keyboard shortcut "M" to toggle the route overlay on/off.

Example 2:
Here's National Cycle Network Route 327 routing cyclists onto a primary road.

Example 3:
For balance, here's cycling infrastructure done well. This has cycle paths running alongside the trunk road and seamlessly connects to the National Cycle Network Route (in blue).

This is a bit of a longshot, but does anyone in the (I'm in ) have access to the ability to punch TTY paper tape

I have some punched cards that a friend made for a talk I want to give to the Middlesex Association for the Blind about punched-hole storage media from the early days of computing. I intend to hand them out as tactile aids, and lead the attendees (many of whom are expert Braille readers) through the way in which information was stored.

I'd like to demonstrate 7-hole paper tape, but even 5-hole would be useful. Both would be a dream! I'd love some short sections with sample text, no more than a single line long (as I'm comparing/contrasting to 80-column punched cards, for example). Bonus if I could specify the text!

Free Will Registry for 2024