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London 2010

Conundrum: we need a to save in the , but that would be the trigger the government are waiting for to declare , which would mean no more elections.
Decisions decisions.
I think we may need two revolutions.
1: The Gammon Riots (mercilessly crushed)
2: The

PwC Cyprus may have breached sanctions while working for Russian oligarch Mordashov (more)

He spoke mysteriously and said we were destined to meet to change the world. Drummond Place, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ukraine: UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron meets with President Zelensky for the first time since assuming the Foreign Secretary position (The Telegraph News VIDEO)

UK research finds public is climate complacent

Scotland 2010 Refurbished

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

- Evolution of production by source for 2000-2022 (% of Total)


POR FIM, Sampaio, Lazaro e outros falaram-me que o corpo do playboy, a pericia levou e os corpos sem vida das duas mulheres, alguns me falaram que a da regio os levou e os queimou.

Mas outros disseram-me que foram entregues ao que controlava as drogas e o venda de mulheres para os hoteis da regio.

! Qual a verdade das mentiras que nos contaram A mquina de lavar da Wish e o Diabo que sabe!


could face new war crime case as evidence suggests starvation of Ukraine was pre-planned

Alm do inferno que os da fizeram no aeroporto de GRU e NVT, colocaram um ssia do meu primo Paulo Otlio, para nos olhar fixamente!

J na e no Burger King de , o ssia do primo, ficou a nos olhar, tipo nos jurando.

Em balnerio , era noitinha no pier da imagem quando o ssia apareceu e passou a gritar na direo desse restaurante, por uma Ghislaine !

Alguns dias depois, o ssia do primo Paulo, estava prximo de um "ssia" ou no do juiz Flix Fischer!


In Kyiv, President Zelensky, UK Foreign Secretary Cameron Hold Talks Focused On Continued Military Support For Ukraine (more)

"Lidl has significantly reduced food waste and plastic packaging, aligning with its sustainability goals. The retailer supports British suppliers and invests in local food businesses."

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

British Foreign Minister David Cameron arrived in Ukraine on a working visit. "Good meeting. Weapons for the front, strengthening air defense, protection of our people and critical infrastructure. Thank you to Britain for your support!",
President Zelensky wrote. (VIDEO and more)

When red wall seats vote tory..

Quatrefoils at the Scott
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by Simon De Courcey thesilcontribesman siliconpoems . Simon is a national (UK) award-winning poet, writer & creative writing teacher. His work appears in many magazines, journals & books as well as performance art pieces for large scale public events. He lives in Lancashire, UK. His work focuses on ancient cultures & wild living. He loves long walks in the great outdoors.


in .

Now, have seemingly worked out which of the six wont be making an on Friday, after the was absent from the five-hour last night (15 November).

explain why new will mean so much to .

represents in a

for Archbishop of Canterbury said he had .

Individual still have to give final to the in the , which are and not , .

Weather at 6pm on Thu 16 Nov is indeterminate, 5C, pressure steady and 0.2mm rain. Humidity is 95%.

Admir. Neizhpapa, UK Foreign Secretary Cameron discuss current situation in Black Sea (PHOTO and more)

Twenty years after , still need to be from s

s came at a moment of , just like the one the is currently in.

Stefanishyna discusses Ukraine's NATO membership path with UK Foreign Secretary Cameron (PHOTO and more)

"Experts warn UKs regulations now lag behind those of the EU and that Britons will be exposed to more toxic chemicals as a result"

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Ukraine's Deputy PM discusses country's progress towards NATO with UK Foreign Secretary in Kyiv (more)

News at 6PM: continues its raid at Al-Shifa hospital, amid warnings for people to evacuate from Khan Younis and other areas in southern . The US denies approval of the raid while labels it a 'war crime'. Pedro Sanchez returns as Spanish PM. The government is finalising plans to send illegal migrants to , despite a Supreme Court ruling declaring the policy unlawful. Myanmar sees worsening conflict with two million displaced.

Russians cause Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant's #5 unit to begin leaking from reactor's primary circuit (more)

Did you know that a giant kiwi monument made by WWI soldiers in the UK has been restored It's a beautiful tribute to the New Zealand troops who fought and died in the war. The kiwi was carved in chalk on a hill in Wiltshire by soldiers waiting to go home after the war ended. It was recently re-chalked by volunteers with the help of a helicopter that dropped one hundred tons of chalk on the site.

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The UK has become the first country to approve a therapy based on Crispr gene editing.

Crispr is a flexible and efficient gene editing tool based on the bacterial immune system, which has sped from the initial discovery to an approved drug in just 11 years. Scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier showed that Crispr could be used to disrupt, delete, or correct genetic errors in 2012, leading to a Nobel Prize in 2020.

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Biobank avait pourtant jurer de ne pas partager ainsi des donnes rcoltes des fin de recherche mdicale
Oui Biobank avait bien promis, puis a chang d'avis

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"2023 UK Waste Reduction Policy"

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Repent Brexit

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