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Instead of announcing a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the murderous Zionists. The Prime Minister accuses peaceful protesters, whilst continuing to spread Zionist lies!
(Alliance News) - UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak used a Friday evening address to warn that democracy is being targeted by extremists.
Sunak said there are "forces here at home trying to tear us apart".
Speaking at a lectern outside the doors of No 10 Downing Street, Sunak warned about the current situation in Britain, in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks by Hamas against Israel.
And he said the victory of George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election was "beyond alarming".
"In recent weeks and months, we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality," he said in a hastily arranged address to the nation.
"What started as protests on our streets have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence.
"Jewish children, fearful to wear their school uniform lest it reveals their identity. Muslim women abused in the street for the actions of a terrorist group they have no connection with.
"Now our democracy itself is a target. Council meetings and local events have been stormed. MPs do not feel safe in their homes. Long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns.
"And it's beyond alarming that last night, the Rochdale by-election returned a candidate that dismisses the horror of what happened on October 7, who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin, the racist former leader of the BNP."
In his victory speech, newly elected Rochdale MP George Galloway announced that his win was "for Gaza" following a campaign dominated by the conflict.
Sunak, in a message aimed at those taking part in pro-Palestine protests, urged people to reject extremist messages.

"UKs Rishi Sunak warns against poison of extremism in rare Downing Street speech"

"British prime minister gets out the lectern after divisive Rochdale by-election and chaotic scenes in the House of Commons."



Global march for Gaza ceasefire Sat March 2

"Millions Plan to Take Part in Global March Calling for Israeli Ceasefire in Gaza"

"The march is also in response to Israel likely launching a full-scale invasion of Rafah, which is set to happen around March 9, just one day prior to the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan."


"Amid anti-Israel protests, Sunak says extremists deliberately undermining UK democracy"

"PM says regular Saturday pro-Palestinian demonstrations have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence, vows to back up police when they take action"

Levidian displays ultra-green hydrogen production technology to UK Government


"Labour would lift block on onshore windfarms, says Ed Miliband"

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'Farmers in Britain have real reasons to be angry, but this protest against reasonable green policy has become a culture war'

I'm so sick of having to take constant evasive action on the roads. Pot holes are so big they are more like craters. A government where so many individuals have enriched themselves while the country has fallen, and still is falling, apart at the seams. The likes of Galloway wouldn't get in if the political landscape was healthy were healthy and I probably wouldn't be having to have my car in the garage next week for a new shock absorber! Rant over!

Menschen auf der Flucht nach zu schicken ist nicht nur menschenverachtend, es ist auch sauteuer:
" plan to cost UK 1.8m for each asylum seeker, figures show ... The overall cost of the scheme stands at more than half a billion pounds, according to the figures released to the National Audit Office. Even if the sends nobody to the central African state, Sunak has signed up to pay 370m from the public purse over the five-year deal."

The disaster you could see from space: how a podcast went inside an

Nineteen dead, hundreds homeless and 700,000 taking legal action. Eco true-crime podcast delves into a dams collapse and how its led to the s biggest ever class-action lawsuit

News report

"UK PM Sunak signals crackdown on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in chilling speech"

Green MP Carolina Lucas:
The mask has really dropped. If there were any doubt who the real extremists are, it is Sunaks government threatening to take visas off protesters & stirring up anti-Muslim hate.

He conflated elements of the UKs large pro-Palestinian movement with extremism & threatened foreign students with deportation.

19.00 GMT Mar 1 AJ updates


lacks self awareness, self reflection and a spine if he cannot as the proverb says physician heel thy self. Look at your own Party and policies to seek answers for the problems you believe are in the . A random double speak press announcement on the doorstep of No 10 Downing Street He should have announced a and that would help start the healing of a hurting nation. Not more deeper nastier culture wars from his Party and Government.

"UKs net zero economy grew 9% in 2023, report finds"

VCA , ePaper , Friday, March 1, 2024

The Prime Minister of the has just given a speech about extremism and a good half of the thinks he was talking about his own Government Back to that

Not a single member of the British public elected crooked shyster Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister of the UK.

Yet he has the brass neck to lecture people about democracy and division when he cannot even call out his own MPs for obvious and blatant racism.

Get fucked Sunak and take your gang of racist crooks with you!

Weather at 6pm on Fri 1 Mar is fairly fine, showers likely, 2C (feels -3), pressure steady and 1.8mm rain. Humidity is 92%.

Common Darter Dragonfly

Only Ukraine's invitation to NATO will give the world real chances to return to true security

Good evening. It's 6PM, Friday, 1st March. The headlines: A funeral for Alexei took place in Moscow. George triumphed in the by-election. The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, unveiled a strategy for the 's shift to net zero, underscoring unity against SNP momentum. and recorded their rainiest February on record. A search is ongoing for an individual selling suicide poison.

Rishi Sunak gives a speech outside Downing Street watch live

Study: 61 UK firms tried a 4-day workweek and after a year, they still love it


A of sea slug has been discovered in waters

It was caught off the south-west of from a research ship

The creature has been named . It belongs to a group found in warmer waters, which could be migrating north due to

With ocean temperatures at record levels there is concern about the impact on marine life

Boots On The Ground Now Have 5 as Canada joins France, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania: Minister says Canada open to sending some soldiers to Ukraine in 'non-combat role' (more)

War in Europe weeks away and NATO leaders still refuse to prepare: Russia could break through last defenses in weeks, Ukrainian officials warn (more)

What Gorgeous was promising electors. In essence, , homophobic dog whistles, and "MAKE ROCHDALE GREAT AGAIN."

Image care of /u/NewIssue447 /r/GreenAndPleasant, over at that colossal shit-pit, Reddit.

Bloomberg: Is Scholz the wartime Chancellor, or a roadblock to success UK quietly pushes Germany to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine (more)

: Gasworks Basin Bridge, Aston
: towpath bridge
: Photo by ell brown on Flickr

NATO shows video of Russian fighters intercepted over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS, VIDEO, and more)

UK Defence Intelligence assesses Russian Defence Industry capabilities in ensuring war in 2024 (more)

Russians muster forces and advance to break final defense lines at Chasiv Yar (more)

bodies consider legal action over post-Brexit not for Food & drink industry The Guardian

would cut down on red tape, they said. Are you telling me they were fibbing

Navalny is buried as brave masses chant Russia without Putin at moving open-casket funeral

Bloomberg: the UK pressures Germany to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine, as Scholz comtinues giving Germany a black-eye (more)

over this afternoon.

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska speaks at Global Soft Power Index Summit (PHOTOS, VIDEO, and more)

New UK anime Blu-ray release OUT MONDAY - Tsurune: The Linking Shot - Season 2 - via MVM - review here -

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