Make your UK Will online for Free.

I read yesterday on the website that the government may be proposing to register with as . Given the amount of involved - the dame is a man in drag while the principal boy is played by a woman - I am not sure how this will go down with such as and - let alone !

Israel's deadly lies and attacks on truth are legend: and never ending

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

Crossposted from on Bluesky:

Free Meals around the on

For those , , emergency / NHS staff etc.

Various UK locations


The west celebrates Commercial Christmas & presents while Israel bombs the beJesus out of baby Jesus in Bethlehem

Bethlehem Pastor Rev Munther Isaac criticises Western hypocrisy and Church complicity in Gaza crisis

"Windfarms generated 21.8 gigawatts (GW) of electricity between 8am and 8.30am on Thursday, according to RenewableUK, a not-for-profit renewable energy trade association, citing figures from National Grids electricity system operator (ESO)."

Sundays: The at 8pm

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Police make 630 arrests of in in one month

Liberty condemns staggering and shocking statistic as legislation is enacted

by Sandra Laville and Damien Gayle, December 4, 2023

"Police have made at least 630 arrests of peaceful protesters campaigning against new production in the past month, as the authorities exploit new powers under the governments anti-protest legislation.

"The mass arrests of more than 470 people some individuals were arrested more than once was condemned by group as 'staggering and shocking'.

"The protests involve slow marching along roads and are a form of peaceful civil resistance analogous to the 'freedom' rides in the US in 1961, when individuals protested against segregated public transport, says .

"Evidence gathered by the Guardian over the last four weeks reveals some people have been held in police custody for long periods after arrest.

"A 23-year-old was arrested within five minutes of joining a demonstration on 13 November, and held for 56 hours in custody before being presented to court, according to his testimony to the Guardian.

"A 19-year-old student was held for three nights in a London prison despite being given bail by a magistrates court. The student is considering a case of false imprisonment.

"The protests over the past four weeks coincided with the British government confirming in the kings speech its plans to grant new oil and gas licences every year.

"Police are using new powers to make the under section 7 of the Conservative governments Public Order Act 2023, which bans any action that 'interferes with the use or operation of any key national infrastructure'.

"According to data gathered by Just Stop Oil and not disputed by the Metropolitan police, almost half of the arrests were carried out under . The offence carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months.

"The 19-year-old student, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was held in a London prison for four nights after his arrest under section 7. After the first night in prison, he appeared by video link for a court appearance. He was bailed by the court, and should have been released. The student was held for a further three nights in a prison cell, according to testimony given to the Guardian.

"'I consider that I was illegally imprisoned over the three nights of that weekend and will be taking a case of wrongful imprisonment,' the student said.

"Another 19-year-old student who was arrested and also cannot be named for legal reasons, was held for 50 hours in a London police cell, from a Monday morning to Wednesday at 1pm.

"She was charged under section 7 of the act after 24 hours in custody, but held for another day-and-a-half in custody before being taken to court.

"'I remember asking for my medication, and I didnt get it,' she said. 'I asked multiple times. One of the officers said: Why didnt you have it with you I said: I didnt expect to be held for 50 hours in a cell. And the officer said: What, after what you have done

"'Like I was a murderer or something, they just wanted me to feel bad.'

"Jun Pang, a policy and campaigns officer for Liberty, said: 'We all have the right to make our voices heard on the issues that matter to us. The staggering number of people arrested in recent weeks, many under this new legislation, shows just how sweeping and dangerous these powers are. Its shocking to see hundreds of young protesters criminalised simply for standing up for what they believe in.'

"Scotland Yard said 630 arrests had been made of Just Stop Oil protesters since 30 October, and 328 people went on to be charged. The rest have been released on police bail.

"JSO data shows at least 276 people have been charged: at least 125 were charged with blocking key national infrastructure under section 7 and 125 with the lesser offence of wilful obstruction of the highway."

UK sees warmest Christmas Eve in more than 20 years after temperatures hit 15C UK weather The Guardian

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps warned that the world is slipping into an authoritarian era, so the West cannot afford to lose a full-scale war against Ukraine and must provide it with everything it needs


"rsted to go ahead with worlds largest offshore wind farm in Britain"

Sundays: The at 7pm

Radio Jammor is on the air...
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Kyiv Cat has had enough!

After yet another holiday spent in the Kyiv subway dodging Russian bombs, Cat sent mercenaries to the Kremlin to hunt for Putin, the rat!

sees warmest Christmas Eve in more than 20 years after temperatures hit 15C

Warmest 24 December recorded in Britain since 1997, with forecast for 13C in south of England on Day

If Russia wins this is your last election anywhere dimwits.

"Fking Putin, Shoigu, bch! What the f**k is going on" A Russian soldier is furious with Russian military leadership and doesn't understand what the war is for.

Seems like a fine idea.cant see sunak doing it though.

Block Trusss resignation honours, Sunak urged ahead of list being published

The former Prime Minister's resignation honours list has been delayed for months but could be published this week

Weather at 6pm on Sun 24 Dec is showery early, improving, 9C (feels 6), pressure rising fast and 0.8mm rain. Humidity is 86%.

Sunday at 6-7pm
The Auld & Traditional Scottish Show
and auld family favourites.

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Good evening. It's 6PM, Sunday, 24th December. The headlines: Manchester United confirms a deal with Sir Jim Ratcliffe. A carol, missing for nine decades, has been played. The Home Secretary has apologised for an inappropriate joke about drink spiking. The US Navy has intercepted drones in the Red Sea. remains committed to its military action in , despite recognising the significant toll of the conflict.

Wide Screen.

My new music video at , &

Mind you, it's a POEM set to music, so not your everyday music video.

I'm funny that way.

And my fellow Tuskers, especially in the , have proven most open to it.

"Blue Bees, Black Beach" at YouTube.


9/11 and the War on Terror

UK defense minister warns of 'severe consequences' if Putin wins war in Ukraine (more)

Tadhg Hickey Explains Why Ireland Supports Palestinians - It's about stealing land

What the wants for is to

Importers, exporters, private citizens and the Labour party all urgently need the to function better than this

Media: Man throws training grenade into a bar where BBC Russian service journalists were partying in Riga (more)

Tribalism ids toxic for behaviour

"UK plots course to rapidly scaling carbon capture capacity"

Cisco is hiring a Software Data Scientist - Graduate
Location: London, United Kingdom

This is the British/Canadian version of the Orphan Train (US). Awful.

Jesus Would Be Killed in Gaza

: Bridge 140A (Footbridge)
: footbridge
: Photo by Andrew Batram on Flickr

Is this in the same context as Brexit will make UK a stronger country!

The guy is an idiot. Go back to your shed.

"Rwanda bill will get the job done and stop small boat crossings, says David Cameron The Guardian"

Cameron on military support to Ukraine: UK will try to do even more in 2024 (more)

At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards*

*Except for requests

Radio Jammor is on the air...
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Free Will Registry for 2023