Make your UK Will online for Free.

Hospitalizations due to in England, for under 5s have gone up 47% in a week. I have had enough of exponential graphs, we need vaccines and other mitigation actions!


US, UK, Australia Express 'Deep Concern' Over Canada's Allegations

All three countries not only have significant Indian diaspora, but are also part of the 'five eyes' intelligence alliance with Canada.

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

UK Government Concession On Breaking End-to-End Encryption In The Online Safety Act (Just Passed) Turns Out Not To Be One Techdirt

Brexit bombshell: France and Germany plot EU inner circle leaving door open for Britain The Independent

BBC News: Rishi Sunak considering weakening key green policies

According to multiple sources briefed on Downing Street's thinking, Mr Sunak would use the speech to hail the UK as a world leader on net zero he would also argue that Britain has over-delivered on confronting climate change and that other countries need to do more to pull their weight.

planning to drop policies in pre-election challenge to The Guardian

As if you needed any further confirmation that the are a bunch of self-serving scumbags.

UK promises 'tens of thousands' artillery shells for Ukraine (more)

Time for some history and English cultural heritage.
Every September volunteers for Heritage Open Days organise events and open up usually private buildings to celebrate the culture and heritage of England. We ventured to the historic Appleby-in-Westmorland to check out some of the ancient buildings.
It was fascinating!

1,000 London police taken off streets after scandals

> A review earlier this year found the London force to be institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic.

Time for some history and English cultural heritage.

Every September volunteers for Heritage Open Days organise events and open up usually private buildings to celebrate the culture and heritage of England. We ventured to the historic Appleby-in-Westmorland to check out some of the ancient buildings.

It was fascinating!

Loads more photos, plus some history, available for you right here ->

UK is stepping up its game in the world! Introducing the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill, aiming to fast-track freezing digital assets linked to criminal activities. If it becomes law, it could be a game-changer!

Operation extract my friend from the control of their abusive ex girlfriend continues. With a motorcycle (hopefully).

Does anyone have experience of learning to ride as an adult

I still thought I was immortal (18) the first time I through myself into traffic on a hairdryer and it's been a couple of decades since my mate was under that delusion.

What do I need to know to help them learn

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Justification #50001 for : ludicrous inefficiency of & selective payments, with govt apparently burning mils fighting disability benefit claims- often resulting in HUGELY costly, lengthy court battles
Not good

"I warned ministers about our disgraceful . Their solution Stop the inspections

The report on mirrors concerns I raised as chief inspector, but s lacks the will to address them"

is the independent chief inspector of and

Fundamental problems, institutional , a lack of accountability and transparency have been found in 's Metropolitan Police

but i fear also , and quite a few others.
The Police recruitment must be taken out of A Clockwork Orange masterpiece.

- Rishi considering key green policies
It could include delaying a ban on the sales of new petrol and diesel cars and phasing out gas boilers, multiple sources have told the BBC

UK promises Ukraine tens of thousands of artillery shells after Ramstein-format meeting (more)

A trip down memory lane - UK Shieldaig, Scotland - My last night in the Highlands and dinner at the Coastal Pub and Kitchen

Weather at 6pm on Tue 19 Sep is fine, possibly showers, 14C, pressure falling slowly and 6.8mm rain. Humidity is 94%.

Viviparous lizard

Pink News: Drag Race star Choriza May ditched by Uber when driver saw her in drag

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Has your parcel gone missing

If the parcel wasn't delivered to the location you agreed, it's the seller's legal responsibility to sort out the issue.

Check what steps you can take


- Queen of England flight (-XXEB) landed at Leeds East Airport at 9/19/2023, 4:40:07 PM

- Queen of England flight (-XXEB) landed at Leeds East Airport at 9/19/2023, 4:40:07 PM

Watchdog criticises decision to pay Johnson's 265,000 Partygate bill

() In an audit opinion, the government's spending watchdog said due process was not followed when signing off the money for Mr Johnson's lawyers

Shameful, Corrupt, Dishonestcome on join in: what other words describe boris & his cronies

at : Researcher 36,024 - 44,263 a year, plus a 3000 Market Supplement Apply by 03/10/2023

"Thief pushes baby out of pram to steal 80,000 watch from dads wrist"

: Bridge 35, A414 Road Bridge (Old)
: road bridge
: Photo by Andrew Batram on Flickr

The has been passed in the Parliament.
"Open Rights Group has warned that Online Safety Bill, which has been passed in parliament, will make us less secure by threatening our privacy and undermining our freedom of expression. This includes damaging the privacy and security of children and young people the law is supposed to protect."


Britain touted as future associate member of EU!

Britain could rejoin the EU as an Associate Member under plans for the blocs expansion drawn up by France and Germany."

They're proposing a 4-tiered system under which the UK would be governed by European Court of Justice if it joined, in exchange for access to the Single Market.

The plan will be officially unveiled as meets in France today.


A reminder, proponents of are extremists and terrorists. In the 80s these militants were hiding in Golden Temple and then PM Indira Gandhi flushed them out using military. In retaliation they assassinated her.

Countries like are harboring these terrorists. Hardeep Singh was one such terrorist with links to an extremist group Khalistan Tiger Force.

US eliminated Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan & didn't object eh!

So the Online Safety Bill has just passed through the UK Parliament and is now set to become law. OFCOM will have their worn cut out to make the law work. Here is my quick reaction on three ways it could actually harm you.

Online Safety Bill passes - Attacking privacy and restricting freedom of expression

A headline from Open Rights but I think it encapsulates the dangers well. Through ignorance and misinformation the U.K. is dreaming its way to a very dark future. Remember when they have taken it from us it will not be easy to get back. And dont expect Labour to roll back.

"Chick-fil-A plans return to U.K. after past anti-LGBTQ+ backlash"

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