Make your UK Will online for Free.

Guardian newspaper blocks owner from trawling its contents.

Martin Rowson: a prime minister at his peak - political cartoon gallery in London

''Interpretation: In this first prospective study, probable CAPA was associated with use, receipt of inhibitors and pre-existing . CAPA did not impact following adjustment for prognostic variables.''

-associated in mechanically ventilated patients: a prospective, multicentre study, Thorax:

Hitachi proposes disposal of French sites to seal Thales deal

The Guardian view on dangerous school buildings: the price of 13 years of underinvestment - the country needs saved, but the opposition dont look up to the job

Thrillhouse unveils captivating album 'Something About This Place' with lead track "Big Tree"


dinner day two on 1st Sept time, complex due to different dietary fancies, and purple grape heart butterfly cake with lots of cute sweets.
I also made lemon biscuits for my Mum/ park-keeper / us, so lots of sweet stuff over the weekend.
Also happy birthday - a year ago watching that MV & Jin/jk on my phone while sitting in a Premier Inn in Newbury...

Rob Murray on - political cartoon gallery in London

Ben Jennings on - political cartoon gallery in London

As battles intensify in northeast, mobilized Ukrainians say Western training didnt prepare them for it

This war unlike any other!

"Nine out of 12 regions of the UK installed more than 100 rapid chargers during the past year, ZapMaps data showed."

Gulf & Atlantic Railways buys Pioneer Valley Railroad

Not sure why, but it appears Poland has encroached on Belarusian airspace. The Polish helicopter flew to Belarus and returned. (VIDEO)

consider on former

, an group for the , says is for a who was seen as a strong before moving to .

's convinced to start a with for all.

Says All Must Be Investigated So Why is he Blocking Plans to Go After , and
Sunaks Government is throwing out plans to get dirty money out of the

A trip down memory lane - UK Farne Islands, Northumberland Seals, Puffins and Artic Turns - Summary

Weather at 6pm on Fri 1 Sep is settled fine, 16C, pressure rising slowly and no rain today. Humidity is 77%.

We Will Not Live In Fear: responds to

We are and . We are many and we will no longer be . We will !

with over new + after was announced to be in the .

Paisley has a long history of publicly supporting trans people

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"UK Governments investment in Sizewell C nuclear plant passes 1bn"

Walking on Stones, A Novel about a Stone
by Chris Handrahan

A very original novel.

Currently, 55% off, Amazon CA, Paperback Edition

If the charity cant call out government lies, is under threat

How can an organisation be forced to apologise for telling the truth on behalf of its one million members

Systemic Evolutions,
System in Nature and Human Reality
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Corruption, ignorance & apathy are the psychological mechanisms that are causing socities to not focus on mitigating , greenwashing, etc.

cash for favours.

figures took 10,000 gifts from Google and YouTube ahead of tax U-turn

Anyone else out there musing today that if we had a UK Government that actually functioned ... maybe the Education Dept and Cabinet might have focussed on minor matters like "Hundreds of school buildings falling apart" rather than trying to write (illegal) School Guidance on trans kids to stoke their beloved culture wars

: Footbridge
: footbridge
: Photo by Carneddau on Flickr

My wife bought me this zine a few years ago and I haven't read it up until now. It's a really interesting regional magazine about walking around the - it was such a fun read. Charlie Cooper's interview about the was really cool and it was nice seeing the local inspirations for . The rest of the mag was great as well.

This week, a cat in the UK rescues a missing woman, a girl has a prom date with The Rockor did she, and Elvis themed weddings are banned in Vegas.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"The Right-Wing Outrage Over Sadiq Khans Supposed Pay Per Mile Scheme Stretches the Limits of Hypocrisy"

RIA responds to ORRs consultation on Network Rails CP7 Business Plan

My response to the proposed ticket office closures at stations.
This is your final chance to have your say, the deadline is by the end of the day!

Tick tock, drip drop... Weathervane highs/lows so far (17:00) Fri 1 Sep 2023:

High temperature 19.6C at 13:54 hrs
low 12.7C at 01:54 hrs

High humidity 94%RH at 01:48 hrs
low 63%RH at 13:48 hrs

Max wind gust 10.5mph at 13:46 hrs

Daily rainfall 0.0mm

Royal Air Force Museum London (Flickr 2023-06-07 13:47:35)

I've just asked Portland Port's CEO to listen to the warning signs and SAY NO TO FLOATING PRISONS

Please join me in signing Freedom From Torture's petition:

seek alternative spaces amid fears could affect 1,000

One estates manager says children could have to be taught in temporary buildings for as long as a decade to come

They've known since 2018, and schools were empty during ...

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
A sure thing: more proof US nukes are coming to Britain
The Federation of American Scientists said that US Air Force budget documents dated March 2023 strongly imply that Washington is in the process of re-establishing its nuclear weapons presence in Britain for the first time in fifteen years. It follows reports last year that Lakenheath airbase in Suffolk was added to a list of US-operated airbases in Europe.

"Shapps looks like an aging boy scout"

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