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Grey Heron's landing antics. It sure does create some interesting shapes.

We have a responsibility to stop bloodthirsty voices from dictating the terms of debate, and to push back against cynical attempts to distract us from our urgent goal: bringing about an immediate ceasefire.

Heres looking at you Kid Starver (and worse).

Here is a Knob billed comb duck, stood with its wings flapping away.


British farmers, volunteers deliver 35 off-roaders for Ukraine Army to Lviv region (PHOTOS and more)


Male Mallard on the lake. I kind of liked the water in this image

New Sanctions For Russian Oil: EU is of to Serious Measures (UATV News VIDEO)

The Guardian: Shocking scale of UK governments secret files on critics revealed

Lack of transparency from David Cameron and his links to China (Times Radio News VIDEO)

The Guardian: Shocking scale of UK governments secret files on critics revealed

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Autumn/Fall at the lake

In 2023-11-15 the Speaker said "Order! Are we serious Oh, I would not challenge. I have to say that our constituents are watching this. They are very concerned about the affairs of today and the votes later. A lot of Members wish to speak. Those who do not want that to happen, please, go outside and have a conversation there."

after The Prime Minister said "At that point, the right hon. Member for Islington North described Hamas as friends. Does he want to apologise for that now"

In 2023-11-15 the Speaker said "Order! We have a lot of very important business today with some important votes. I want to get through this speedily."

after Keir Starmer said "The right hon. Member for Islington North is not even a Labour MP any more. It is a changed party with strong leadership."

In 2023-11-15 the Speaker said "Order! Those on the Front Bench just need to calm down."

after The Prime Minister said "That is why we have taken strong and robust steps to protect ourselves against the risk that it poses. We will take no lessons from the Labour party on protecting our national security. It has taken almost 700,000 from an alleged Chinese agent."

The UKs social media surveillance program designed to stop anyone critical of the Government speaking at Government conferences. Looney stuff, in a liberal democracy Governments should welcome criticism and open debate.

Explosion of hate across social media platforms (CBC - Canadian News in English VIDEO)

"With your help, we will take the Environment Agency and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to court, demanding they urgently update the decades-old rules for testing and regulating sewage sludge and other landspreading wastes, avoiding toxins from poisoning our environment and our bodies."

Pro-palestine rally this evening

This scene is confused here yet ringing out loud and clear is a woman screaming:

The Zionist ran, the Zionist ran.

And a mob chase the Zionist.

Deeply chilling.

Uh oh.

"The report notes that some of the samples it took of sludge being sent to farmland were vastly different from the way they were described in the consignment documents. Agricultural land, in other words, has become a dumping ground for hazardous industrial waste another gift to humanity from the privatised water industry."

You might remember the infamous "Err Nerr Rerd Werks" sign in . Looks like there's been an update, with "Yer Jerking, Merr Rerd Werks"

6pm Saturday: Time for the New Music & Scottish Albums Chart show

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

News at 6PM: Hundreds have fled 's Al-Shifa Hospital amid conflict, with offering assistance for evacuations but denying ordering them. Finland has shut four border crossings with . 's largest mission has launched, though they've lost contact with the booster and presume a rocket failure. The plans to revise foreign aid focusing on change disasters, while concerns rise over sexual harassment on public transport.

ICAO code:
Operator: Royal Air Force
Speed: 611 kmh
Altitude: 10973 m
Distance: 3.1 km
Angle : 74.4
Direction ->: WNW


Seen: 5x

I'm not a chemist, and I don't know how to evaluate this. Which are bad and how bad Are these "trace" findings, significant quantities, or what Some of column a, some column b

Looks like some are found in more sources than others.

But it looks like we're at least still trying to keep industrial chemicals out of biosolids intended for crops.

Not sure how good a report this is. Not sure what it tells me. But there are links from it that may help.

Laura Kuenssberg: Reshuffle deals drama but voters more worried about wallets

I cant imagine the tory government are worried about their own gold lined wallets

re: this:

This is terrible news for the UK.

So given corruption, and my being in the US, I wonder is it happening here

And of course the US is much larger so corruption like this might be more likely scattered and more local/regional.

An admittedly casual investigation found me this:

A 2022 analysis of chemicals in biosolids by the EPA, reveals 739 chemicals. Not a buried report, it's available online.

Shocking scale of governments on critics revealed

were compiled by 15 departments after scouring activity to vet people invited to speak at official events

UK: November 18 2023 marks the 20 year anniversary of the repeal of section 28 (S28) in England and Wales. This law silenced any discussion of lesbian and gay matters in schools, and was law for 15 years between 1988 and 2003

"I found that only 20% of section 28-era teachers are out to their colleagues at school. On the other hand, 88% of teachers who started after section 28 was repealed in 2003 are out to their fellow teachers in their schools" -- Professor Catherine Lee MBE

Gobsmacked at this research. Know your LGBTQ+ history -- and worth a read, this article

Shocking scale of s secret files on critics revealed Civil service The Guardian

Welcome to one of rarest and best preserved Tudor and medieval Halls in the UK. This is Haddon Hall.

Welcome to one of rarest and best preserved Tudor and medieval Halls in the UK. This is Haddon Hall.

There are LOADS more photos from this place, plus some history, just on my website

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant's power unit 5 leaks from reactor's primary circuit.
As the Energoatom State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company (NNEGC) explained, the primary circuit water with a boric acid solution began to enter the turbine hall (more)

: Bridge 18, Wheaton Aston Bridge
: track bridge
: Photo by on Flickr

Conspiracy and denial of the October 7th massacre at todays pro-palestine protest

At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards*

*Except for requests

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &


Revealed: jab maker discussed targeting with government

Drug firm proposed singling out those most likely to return to work with its weight-loss injection

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