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Go Goldsmiths! They also peacefully reconciled their campus protest quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

Kate Doing Well, Says Prince William During Visit to Scillys Only Hospital


Alan Bates calls for protection of legal funding that helped bring Horizon scandal to court

Maqluba uni

Gotta love the UK Eurovision lot complaining about Israel not being a part of Europe when Britain clearly doesnt *want* to be a part of Europe

I've enjoyed winding them up today saying "but we voted OUT!" to the Brexit lot.

"Five ways to catapult the UK towards solar energy success"

Russian forces attack Bakhmut and Pokrovsk districts, Donetsk Oblast, killing two people

: Tidal Wharf
: wharf
: Photo by Billy Wilson Photography on Flickr


25 years. How can this be 25 years old Still more exciting than the actual news

Sharon Beshenivsky: Piran Ditta Khan jailed for life for murdering police officer

Trial in June 2025!!

Judgell be drawing his bloody pension by then!!

Suspects in alleged Russia-linked UK arson attack to face trial next year

Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta

News at 4PM: Europe's most sought-after people-smuggler has been found by the BBC. The Eurovision Song Contest proceeds in Malmo, with reaching the final amid protests. An ad stirs debate, while Lee Byer is detained under a hospital order. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are touring Nigeria. A promotion subtly includes free wine. Britain's economy expanded by 0.6% in Q1, as interest rates hold at 5.25%.

will kill more babies unless rates rise, says expert Whooping cough The Guardian

Antivaxxers have a lot of deaths on their hands.

union lobbied to increase limit in The Guardian

Another dividend sarc. making our water more polluted.

Weather at 3pm on Fri 10 May is settled fine, 22C, pressure steady and no rain yet today. Humidity is 51%.

Why is s#MentalHealth so incredibly poor Its because our is spiralling backwards George Monbiot The Guardian


An unusual pink-flowered Common Rock-rose (Helianthemum nummularium) growing on Solsbury Hill near . Flowers of this species are normally yellow. Potentially an escape, but given the location this would be unlikely.

No word of lie, I blame my depression on this toxic society that makes me feel utterly worthless.

Small Yellow Underwing Moth (Panemeria tenebrata), a small day-flying species of meadows. On Solsbury Hill, near earlier this week.


Sunak says it'll take time for people feel better

I imagine that by January next year the UK will be feeling much better

Just Stop Oil morons in their 80s target Magna Carta

The women used a hammer and chisel to try to break the glass case protecting the historic charter, which was the first document to put into writing the principle that the King and his government were not above the law.

American-Style Tipping Is Testing British Pub Culture Some of the countrys biggest pub chains are asking guests to top up the tab with a gratuity of 10% or more

Kestrel on Solsbury Hill near earlier this week.

's Monthly Tracker indicates actual growth of 0.7%, surpassing previous growth of 0.4%.

Just watching Sky News, and a reporter on the beach watching a large inflatable boat full of people heading towards England from France.
No police in sight. Sky knew the boat was there, but no one else was informed. The news team filmed the traffickers running away after the boat was launched.
Somethings seriously wrong with the way all this is being handled

Pioneering restores girl's

Are Class 230s worth it

For those not in the UK, Vivarail is a tragic enough story it could almost be made into a film. Great idea to give old Tube stock a second life which didnt quite pan out as expected.

Good afternoon. It's 1PM, Friday, 10th May. The headlines: In Dover, Sir Keir Starmer has detailed Labour's strategy to address small boat crossings, including establishing a Border Security Command and abandoning the Rwanda scheme. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are in Nigeria. The 's economy expanded by 0.6%, signalling an end to recession, as interest rates hold steady at 5.25%. sparks in Malmo with pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Revealed: how fun social media accounts direct fans to betting giant

Battlefield situation in Ukraine: May 10, 2024, map by the UK Ministry of Defence.

Bramble the juvenile this morning in . Bramble is 5 1/2 weeks old and fully independent, trying to their way in the world. This is Bramble's favourite perch, where they sit and wait for an insect to fly past or a spider to run on the ground below.

Do more UK authority issues vague call to bolster cyber defenses

Several of the U.K.'s largest pub chains are now encouraging customers to add a tip of at least 10% to their bills, leading to some uncomfortable situations.

Factbox-Who are s main suppliers and who has halted exports

Guerre de Palestine
Attachs, les yeux bands, tenus en couches : des lanceurs dalerte israliens dtaillent les abus infligs aux Palestiniens dans un centre de dtention obscur
Par les quipes denqutes internationales et de visuels de CNN

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