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Garth Marenghis book tour starts next week, fam and I am SO JEALOUS.


Strategic danger of Ukraine war turning into war of attrition Michael Clarke (Times Radio News VIDEO)

"With the launch of the 2023 poppy appeal on Thursday details of the symbol of remembrance are unveiled, revealing a paper poppy created from renewable sources including half from offcuts from the production of takeaway coffee cups."

Sundays: The at 7pm

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Prince Patel accused of mistreating his own boxer

and seek ban on for foreign f#FossilFuel projects.

"An estimated $41 bn per year was spent by countries export credit agencies to support coal, oil and gas projects between 2018 and 2020, according to OCI, nearly five times their support for ."

Weather at 6pm on Sun 29 Oct is showery early, improving, 9C, pressure rising fast and 25.8mm rain. Humidity is 94%.

"North Sea Transition Authority under fire for using lawyers to argue against publication of environmental impact"

In a lot of rural areas in the we sometimes buy direct from local , but I guess the distances are too great for that to work in the

Sunday at 6-7pm
The Auld & Traditional Scottish Show
and auld family favourites.

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Dan Harris (RoostWeather)

Some extreme low pressure solutions showing up next Thurs, eg 28/12Z MO GM at 949hPa at 06Z

This would challenge November records, 948.4hPa at on 06Z 30/11/1954 the lowest currently in the MIDAS dataset

Other notable lows - 949.3 (11/11/10), 950.4 (13/11/91)

29/10 08:15


"PM will announce a new system for awarding oil and gas exploration licences, and new pro-car legislation, sources say"

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 613

Russian losses in Avdiivka may be its worst of 2023, says UK Ukraine and Netherlands start bilateral agreement talks

More than 1 million children experienced destitution last year meaning their families could not afford to adequately feed, clothe or clean them, or keep them warm according to a major study which reveals an explosion of extreme poverty in the UK.

: Bridge 34, Branston Road Bridge
: road bridge
: Photo by Andrew Batram on Flickr

So, other than the , which countries changed their today

You cant even talk , so dont ! How impacts in the :

At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards*

*Except for requests

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Prague remains committed to supporting Ukraine's sovereignty, Czech President says

The day has ended. The sun has set (3.30pm GMT)

3pm on Radio Jammor: Female Voices hour
Featuring music where the predominant singer or singers is/are

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

That time nearly caused an international incident at an gig.

"On May 11, 1988, played the Antrim Forum in and dedicated their cover of Anarchy In The UK to 'The Cause': 'It was like I had set off a bomb,' Dave Mustaine later recalled. Our writer watched the chaos unfold..."

McDonalds in Birmingham, UK today or yesterday

McDonalds offered free meals to all IDF 2-ish weeks ago or something and the rest is history

- McDonalds store was also recently attacked in turkey

Brian Inglis: The Opium War

Inglis skupia si na jednym z wymiarw konfliktu, a przez to umykaj mu inne. Nie chodzi te o to, aby wybiela kogokolwiek, lecz zrzucenie wszystkiego na jedn stron jest bdem. Rwnie sprawdzenie przycyzn wojny do kwestii ekonomicznej: opium musiao pyn bo Wielka Brytania kupowaa herbat, wiemy dzisiaj, e jest bdem.

I read that the UK just had what may be its first baby born in centuries. The beaver is Canada's national animal and they are thriving here now. BTW a baby beaver's cry sounds almost identical to a human baby, and this little one was quite a crybaby!

Did you know that raw sewage is being dumped into English waterways the equivalent of 800 times a day Water companies treat our blue spaces like an open sewer. Meanwhile government and regulators continue to turn a blind eye. This needs to stop. If you're like me and agree that PM Rishi Sunak should take action to stop sewage pollution in UK rivers and beaches, can you add your name

It's & Music time on Radio Jammor

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Clocks have gone back 1hr in the .

"Cheddar Gorge" was the answer to the Saturday, 28 October challenge

who fled to set to be made at

has imposed a 15 December deadline to eject people who worked for UK in from hotels, say councils

The schedule for the rest of Sunday
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Given that:

We can conclude:


At the end of an intense day liberating Ukraine, it is sometimes necessary to liberate one's mind.

Slava Ukraini

Weather at midday on Sun 29 Oct is rather unsettled, clearing later, 10C, pressure rising slowly and 19.8mm rain so far today. Humidity is 94%.

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