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A sprig of cornelian cherry blossoms.

British and Irish rivers in desperate state from pollution, report reveals

Yellow cornelian cherry blossoms, cascading down the right hand of this picture.

Cornelian cherry blossoms and spiders' webs in the morning dew.

Delicate cornelian cherry blossoms on the end of a twig, outlined with spiders' webs.


The delicate yellow profusion of cornelian cherry blossom.

Cherry plum blossom coated in morning dew.

Cherry plum blossom coated in morning dew.

Cherry plum blossom coated in morning dew.

Fantastic light Saturday morning, so took the camera out to the back yard for some creative shooting.

Are you ready to March in March for Walk or run 10 miles on any day during the month of March to raise funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

I took part on my first March in March two years ago and its easy for other's to also get involved. Simply register for free, decide when and where youre going to complete your challenge and then get started!


Let me reiterate one more time that escalation risks associated with deliveries are extremely minimal:

1) already receives long-range strike weapons from third parties ( and )

2) already deploys similar weapon systems ( )

3) has the option to impose targeting restrictions if deemed necessary (similar to what and appear to have done)

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Mon 26 Feb 2024 the Malmanac weathervane reports 5.2C, 86% relative humidity, pressure rising slowly 1022mb. 2.4mm precipitation so far today. Calm.

Free book & resources for helping start community based organisations (especially in the UK):

13 90%

Random fact I think is wildly underappreciated: rationing continued in the until 1954 (that's 9 years after the war ended, kids).


Diese Gefahr bestand schon vor dem . Aber wollte ja unbedingt alleine weitermachen

is the first in the UK's first to be by - here's why that matters

and discuss why their is more important than ever given the that surrounds .

VCA , ePaper , Monday, February 26, 2024

, supreme leader of , has a new site upand running with 1.24.0 and 8.3.3 at
I'm not going to write here the url so as not to advertise this gang.
Meanwhile on has gifted me a for writing about and these issues and LoLing at the 's National Crime Agency and the

Weather at 6pm on Mon 26 Feb is indeterminate, 5C, pressure rising slowly and no rain today. Humidity is 76%.

News at 6PM: In Pakistan, a woman was saved from a crowd alleging blasphemy. PM Sunak has criticised Lee Anderson's comments as intolerable, resulting in Anderson being stripped of the Conservative whip. Ryanair's chief forecasts increased fares this summer. The Israeli Defence Forces recommend evacuating civilians in Rafah. Brussels experienced significant protests by farmers. Debate persists after an Alabama court ruled on an embryo case.

Russias 2024 election interference has already begun

25 years ago, with a (& ) .

The original Queer As Folk premiered on the network , fearlessly for + on .

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UK Home Secretary sounds alarm over deepfakes ahead of elections

Has Arrived In The

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: Photo by Reading Tom on Flickr


Hungary approves Sweden's NATO accession

s parliament overwhelmingly approved s bid to join on Monday, clearing the way for the Nordic nations accession to the alliance after nearly two years of intense negotiations and dealing a geopolitical blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the parliament press office said.

Votes went 188 Yes / 6 No.

It took 649 days for Hungary to finally vote.

Rare DOLPHIN swimming in the River Thames spotted by stunned lifeboat crew

The situation re: Julian Assange rn... This is such an obvious case and we can't let it go the wrong way this time.

UK allies and disabled people! We are mobilising on 4th March in the streets and online, and we need as many people as possible. It is particularly vital that non-disabled people get involved: our protests simply do not get the numbers that turn out for other causes because so many of us cannot safely protest ourselves.

If you feel helpless in the face of how cruel a place the UK is, here's a way to change that. Please share with everyone:

Latvia demands that EU ban Russian grain, suggests replacing it with Ukrainian products (more)

UK intelligence says Russia will continue to weaponise energy (more)

"Sunak stands with net zero and climate conspiracy group at farming protest"

West has not done enough to support Ukraine UK Foreign Secretary (more)

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