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750 Legal Experts Warn UK PM About Impact of Arming Israel

REVEALED: Forces Pay Out Millions in Compensation Claim in Past Five Years

The staggering statistic obtained using Freedom of Information requests & collected from 41 forces in , Northern , and , include individual pay-outs, some exceeding 50,000, for claims related to property damage, wrongful arrest, on-duty personal injury, negligence, assault, post-arrest personal injury, data protection breaches, and financial losses

When a top Republican says Russian propaganda has infected the GOP

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)

Category: ATTACK

Extinction Rebellion co-founder spared jail over plot to close Heathrow by flying drones nearby

Travelling to this week, what shouldnt I miss

NATO marks 75th anniversary amid rising Russias direct threat (DW - German News in English VIDEO)

Ex-Russian official issues warning about Putin and US Elections (CNN News VIDEO)

Coming all the way back from the French Alps to Cambridge by train. And the last 1.7% of the distance Rail replacement bus. We are an embarrassment.

This article is a long read but to me it was worth every minute. One of the key points comes early on:

"Covering British politics during this period has been like trying to remember, and explain, a very convoluted and ultimately boring dream. If you really concentrate, you can recall a lot of the details, but that doesnt lead you closer to any meaning."

The piece provides some of that meaning.

"What Have 14 Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain"


Had a great time at the Craft and Crust Beer Festival in , so many friendly people were there. Great venue, great staff, great acts, great beers!


Evil vs Humanity

Tale of two viral videos, proud Jews words should shut up Suella Braverman

This is a great story.

"Boy Finds Rare Gold Roman Bracelet in a Field Where it Was Lying for 2,000 Years"

"A 12-year-old boy picked up a treasure in the dirt that his mother thought was just strapping used for packaging, but it turned out to be 2,000 years old and made of gold.

Rowan Brannan was with his mother Amanda walking the dog in a field in Sussex, England, when he spotted the band which dates back to the first century AD."

"New-build homes must be fitted with solar panels, say Tory MPs"

"Organisers have criticised the Metropolitan Polices handling of yesterdays al-Quds Day demonstration in which two ultra-orthodox Jewish rabbis were arrested for inciting anti-Semitism, Islamic Human Rights Commission reports."

The London Met police arrested some rabbis for inciting anti-Semitism ... you cannot make this shit up..

Apparently the rabbis burnt an Israeli flag. That to me is protesting a state, not a religion. Duh

I love this picture
Its where Im from
A long time ago

"The UK could be breaching its own obligations on the prevention of torture in its decision to suspend funding to the UN Palestinian refugee agency following reports that Israel used torture to gain information, charities have warned."

"The UK is party to Article 15 of the UN Convention Against Torture in which states should not use information which has been given through torture as evidence "in any proceedings"."

Virgin and British Airways passenger planes crash on Heathrow Airport runway

An adult Great Tit perched on a shaded cherry tree twig in a garden at in near in .

/ (248 users)

Ipsos is hiring a Senior Data Scientist - Audience Measurement
Location: London, United Kingdom

Adult male Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) perched on a wooden post in the rain at near in .
Adult (male) Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus) atop a thorn bush on a cliff edge at Rockcliffe, Dalbeattie in the Solway Firth, Scotland.

In fact, a conviction to hold the moral high ground, either, as here, in the matter of environmental protection, or vis--vis French policy, coupled with so-called "realism" and "pragmatism", are a dangerous combination, set to worsen the crimes and mistakes of the past rather than set a better, fairer course in African-European relations.

was spared the worst of the consequences of the push as happened in the . at the time was swept up in it but fortunately had no jurisdiction over municipal assets similar to as that's jurisdiction here. He did sell off and

- In the same way that is not solely a European or Western temptation, colonial mentality is not solely a French-African issue. Letting rather Latvia, Czechia, Italy or spearhead 's policy is extremely unlikely to bring better results on this account. It would depend rather on a common and honest introspection and course correction than on any specific nationality.

- That indecency becomes, ironically, an utter moral failure when it is supplemented by hypocrisy. Not only and the do not have to face the problems encountered by , but there seems to have been no bilateral dialogue on the issue, despite the huge impact such European decisions could have on Africans.

- While care for our common planet is a noble cause and the African continent suffers and will continue to suffer harshly from climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, comments from the Botswanese Minister for Wildlife point to an obviousness: it is indecent to pitch elephants against humans.

Rows with and the were triggered by plans to ban the import of hunting trophies. While I am not an expert on issues of wildlife conservation and the challenges of human-elephant cohabitation, it is important to stress several points that these exemplify.

Setting moral and legal standards in favour of the and , at the expense of the local population, could easily be designated as "green "

threatens to send 20,000 elephants to

The country is home to 130,000 elephants, and has gifted 8,000 to and 500 to . A minister had already threatened last month to send 10,000 elephants to Hyde Park.

: Bridge 3A, School Foot Bridge
: track bridge
: Photo by AJ Yakstrangler on Flickr

In Plain Sight

The open corruption of the honours system tells you everything you need to know about how power really works in the UK

RELX is hiring a Data Scientist
Location: Wales, United Kingdom

Spadem z krzesa przy 0:30 X

Taki mj ulubiony komentator polityczny z krainy Albionu. Wyglda na to e ulepili gorsze gwno ni nasze rodzime prawo o urazie uczu religijnych.

Lithuania delivers additional armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

NATO chief confident Alliance will reach agreement on Ukraine military support fund by July

churches keen to host heavy metal bands after duet with organist is a hit

> After bonkers gig at Huddersfield town hall paired doom metal bands with pipe organist, churches are keen to get in on the act

Russia carries out deadly strike on Kharkiv


Israel is Toxic. Boycotts work

McDonald's to buy back 225 franchised outlets in Israel after boycotts.

The decision comes after widespread protests at its decision to give out free meals affected sales in the Middle East, Indonesia and France

Two planes on the runway at collided on Saturday, causing damage to their wings. The empty Virgin Atlantic 787 was being towed from the stand at terminal 3 when it clipped the wingtip of a British Airways Airbus A350. No customers were on board the plane that was being towed, a Virgin Atlantic spokesperson said.

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