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of reavealed as who support to from shows

aged 65 and over are more likely to support the , with around 63% of 65+ year-olds saying theyre for the change against 12% who are opposed to it.

and the :

What and people need to know ahead of the UK's .

Interesting that the etymology of the word Tory includes 'bandit' and 'thief'

Reform voters could leave us on just 57 seats, says new Tory election ad


"Impossible" Not to See Echoes of Holocaus

says U.S. Jewish Army Intel Officer

who Quit over Gaza

Tick tock, drip drop... At 20:00 hrs on Tue 11 Jun 2024 the Malmanac weathervane reports 12.5C, 70% relative humidity, pressure steady 1020mb. 1.8mm rainfall so far today. Wind is blowing 1.1mph from ENE, gusting to 3.1mph.

Russian warships use high-precision weapons in Atlantic Ocean drills

Only one week left to register to in the

I dont mind mind how you vote but please do vote

How Is That Fair: BBC Presenter Points Out That Rich Will Benefit More From Tory Tax Cut


Guests :
, foreign policy analyst and , CEO of the

researcher on the mainstreaming of the#farright. Specialises on , , and the




Get rid of

Urlaub war Klasse.
Heimkommen ernchternd.


Israel has never agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza in other than Joe Biden's lies .

The tail wags the dog

Funny, I was in such culture shock after moving to England to study that on return to the US, I scrapped plans to apply to Singapore for a Fulbright.

"I'm a Brit who visited Los Angeles for the first time. I found myself in complete culture shock."

British farmers reveal their struggles with climate change and mental health

hospitals face blood shortage after attack

Protesters deface recently unveiled portrait of 's Charles with & stickers at gallery:

Reform Party leader Nigel pelted with rocks at event after having tossed directly into his face only last week as draws near:


Israel occupies and denies while media lies, over half a century , and half again.

Viral Palestinian Scholar LECTURES Lying BBC Reporter In 5 minutes

Asking Parklife music festival goers how they're going to vote at the general election

11 June 2024

Launches Manifesto of Desperate Cuts Amid Dying Campaign

UK has issued 108 arms export licences to Israel since 7 October Arms trade The Guardian

"Lib Dems outline vision for net-zero by 2045 in new manifesto"

NEW POLL from YouGov
Labour lead at 20 points

LAB: 38% (-3)
CON: 18% (-1)
REF: 17% (+1)
LDEM: 15% (+4)
GRN: 8% (+1)

10th-11th June. Change on last week

Lib Dems movement surely an outlier. Or don't knows deciding to vote tactically (a Tory nightmare in the South) Or Ed Davy's whacky stunts

Somebody very self important just flew in a helicopter from Birmingham over Streatham and is heading South.

: Bacon Lane Bridge
: road bridge
: Photo by Shane Rounce on Flickr

Charity to offer books at food banks across the UK

Three per cent of people in the UK currently use food banks, and more than one in 12 UK children do not have a single book of their own.

Ban on sale of energy drinks to teens and 100,000 more dental appointments under Labour plans

and watchdogs investigating

"Climate Obstructionism Runs Deep in the UK Watch Out for It at the Election"

Using Ukraine FASCISTS Since **1948**

The U.S. has staged operations with extremists from Ukraine to undermine Russia for nearly 8 decades.

By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News

We hebben kennelijk niets geleerd van de NHS in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, die in 14 jaar Tory bewind vrijwel geheel te gronde is gericht door dit soort selectieve vercommercialisering.

The Brits have a strong tradition of anti Fascism and rightfully so. bombed them and they stood firm... They Kept Calm and Carried on. Also the brits beat the shit out of Mosley and his followers so there is no surprise that will have it difficult not to be beating like a pulp as he deserves it. I hope garage finally dies in hi scampering trails and I hope he dies a painful and humiliating death.

Teenage girls lung collapses after vaping equivalent of 400 cigarettes a week

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"UK election 2024: What the manifestos say on energy and climate change"

VCA , ePaper , Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Is the future of in the - power

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