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Huelgas en y : guionistas, actores, ferroviarios0, automotrices1.
'En un pas serio' la va a la huelga2.
propone de ejemplo a , por ende llamara a los de Argentina a sublevarse.
La peronista convocara asambleas de bases para preparar la , ahora que sabemos cmo la reduce semana a semana...

ICYMI: Hitachi proposes disposal of French sites to seal Thales deal

Russias central bank raises key interest rate amid weaker rouble

The third rate hike in two months comes as Russia grapples with higher inflation and a weaker rouble.

8pm... time to dance!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Switching to liquid thermal control for its IT tech could save British Telecom 40-50%. Tag fits

I took this picture on 30 January 2020 in front of the European Parliaments building in Brussels Rue Wiertz. Few hours later the left definitely/legally the . What a loss for both sides. What if the UK came back

and Systems finalize $162 Mn deal for renewing huge munition stock

Original tweet :

A varied life is good. New hedge trimmers and supply of so a productive day after work. Still use condoms and mostly Im a but I like sometimes
Thanks for the amazing work you do in the

Mallard Duck stood in the shadows of the lake this evening on a partly sunken log

With the light dying, trying to keep the (photographic) noise down was quite difficult.

Grey Heron in a tree

Late post work stroll in the dying light this evening. Not to much about. Here is a female mallard that was snoozing on the lakeside

7pm is Hip-hop time!

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

ICYMI: Gulf & Atlantic Railways buys Pioneer Valley Railroad

Number 1 for Free UK Wills

A trip down memory lane - UK Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle, Scotland - No sign of the monster!

A Telegraph review of 23 UK supermarket sausages By price range. Sure feels like essential reading to me :msyum:

Archived from the Telegraph today:

tries to return to after + backlash forced a

The has a long of to +

Gen. Zaluzhnyi discusses Ukrainian armys needs with UK, US partners (VIDEO and more)

over .

Jolene Bunting had previously been from , known as the .

A treat, and one of the best biopics I have ever seen.

who left receives

The victims were waiting for a train when 21-year-old them using and before them

to have after .

a of - of The law was repealed in in 2000 and in and in 2003.

Animals of Longleat

A Poor Country with a Few Rich People in it: Renowned Expert Speaks Out as Bereaved Families Give their Accounts of The Unequal

6pm means it's time for some Soul Sounds

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

Bike Riding in the UK Salt marshes Cross Country Mountainbike




Misspent adult years

I've been here 10 months, so it was time I pinned an introduction!

: Sluice Valve, Big Lock Lower Level.
: sluice
: Photo by Wildlife Terry on Flickr

It's time to upgrade your !
To all my friends from the or : when you place an order of $25 or more in my shop this weekend using the code "GET5" you get a $5 discount from Etsy.

UK designates Russia's Wagner Group as terrorist organization (more)

ICYMI: RIA responds to ORRs consultation on Network Rails CP7 Business Plan

Which uncovers dodgy-looking loyalty

Our investigation shows and 's using which can make seem better than they really are

Twas a week ago exactly that we discovered our instance will be shut down due to a lack of funds. The activism instance has been operating for years and helping activists.

Please help your fellow activists if you can, especially, if you live in the or Europe and can donate more anonymously.

Ten dollars of $250 raised so far.

"We are not creating threats to anyone" - Putin during his meeting with Lukashenko.

Look at their faces while he speaks.

I was pretty sure Lukashenko was going to fall out of his chair laughing and Putin would be struck by lightning.. Maybe next time!

I'm not a doctor, but....

I'd say he has high blood pressure, has had recent needle sticks in his veins... And most importantly, he's the spawn of Satan!

Hand of Putin the murderer.
What's up with it, by the way

Following the Baltic countries, Finland plans to ban the entry of passenger cars with Russian registration

At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards*

*Except for requests

Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from to the , &

sanctions senior officials one year from Mahsa Aminis death

"Do not believe for one second that these Ukrainian soldiers or the wider population of Ukraine could be persuaded somehow to lay down their weapons or do a deal with

Free Will Registry for 2023