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A Tufted Duck taking off from the wetlands of Summer Leys today

Make your UK Will online for Free.

An Oystercatcher flies from her nest on an island in the lake to deter the resident Jackdaws from coming to close

A Little Egret about to swallow its catch

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)

Category: ATTACK

Et la dcouverte Stoner du soir (qui devrait plaire ) :

Amon Acid - Submerging

Si j'ai bien compris un LP devrait sortir avec un cadeau une carte alatoire de Tarot... Donc je vais attendre encore un peu avant de craquer pour la version FLAC .



UK envoy to Mexico reportedly sacked after pointing gun inside a vehicle carrying embassy staff

They should corelate the usage of software install wise, namely .Com's deployed by these on 's & the & monitoring used by these 's who think they can ' manage ' people's lives through manipulation, generationally speaking.

Funny how three generations' of these ' families list of names ' proliferates around when their individual cases' and individual attributes are assessed, as a group, and since they are related, which reports they lied on, specifically. now in 30+ states in & countries!

software used since 2012*

* Netpolitik has covered the closing, due to export licenses, of FinFisher . Com in in 2021, due cyber munitions export violations.

The vintage bus we had a short ride in earlier. Seemingly a Leyland Tiger Cub from the 1950s.

I was travelling on trains the other day, and... I don't know if it's just random sampling variance or if it's significant, but I definitely saw a few more people masking than last time I did the same journey.

This is a yearly encouragement to become more connected with nature. It takes place in the UK, each day of June.
I've been participating for several years in spite of my decreasing mobility.
This will be my first time Tooting about it on Mastodon.

More info:


Who is lying




'Netanyahu is saying Israel won't agree to permanent ceasefire until its conditions have been met'

Lack of air defense results in Dnipro power plant being in critical condition, can't produce electricity (more)

President Zelensky calls on allies to influence US position on Ukraine's NATO membership (more)

Today marks 28 years since Ukraine lost its status as a nuclear power. In 1996, the authorities of Ukraine transferred the last nuclear missiles to Russia, fulfilling the Budapest Memorandum. In 1991, Ukraine had 130 SS-19 intercontinental (PHOTOS and more)

A Portrait of a Lapwing (Peewit)

a Little Egret flying over the reserve today.

I wasn't expecting to find a family of Starlings down by the lakes today, but there they were..

Juvenile starling with some of its adult feathers on display

Wow. Beautiful. Palestine is everyones genre.

Last week I managed my first Swift photo, I got another today and its a little better so I'll share it with you

Usually the flower meadow has many butterflies and insects, but this afternoon there was no sun and it wasn't warm. But the Daisies still looked fab

types use to cover for their coordinated forums which utilize versions of software by the 's 's

The are using insecure , btw


can confirm the used which include & other 's to mask their servers which & are used for whitelisted since 2012.

It's been a grey old day, so much so I couldn't find the motivation to go out. But at 4pm I thought I'd just take a stroll round the Local reserve (Summer Leys), not expecting any/many photo opportunities. But I saw a few interesting things and had a go at capturing them with an ounce of over exposure.

This one is ' Three Wise Long-tailed tit Juveniles'

at interviews the ambassador to the :

Well worth your time. Mehdi is on point as usual and the interview lays bare the actions of and the and how they fuel the committed in by .

"The UK's power grid needs upgrading to reach net zeronew study shows where"

Lord Moylan

"There is no doubt, and Sinn Fein will appreciate this, that the use of language is a tool for promoting nationalist sentiment."
Also be it enacted that all justices, commissioners, sheriffs, coroners, stewards and their lieutenants, and all other officers and ministers of the law, shall proclaim and keep the sessions, courts, hundreds (divisions of counties), sheriffs courts and all other courts in the English tongue and all oaths of officers, juries and inquests, and all other affidavits, verdicts and wagers of law to be given and done in the English tongue and also from henceforth no person or persons that use the Welsh language shall have or enjoy any manner of office or fees within this realm of England, Wales or other of the Kings dominion upon pain of forfeiting the same office or fees, unless he or they use and exercise the English speech or tongue.
In short, public was life to be conducted in English, by lawacutely aware of the power of forcing a language on another culture.

: Lock 73 Ten Acres
: lock
: Photo by Alan Stanton on Flickr

"Packaging firm calls for tighter UK rules on plastics to drive green economy"

Good afternoon. It's 4PM, Saturday, 1st June. The headlines: Rishi Sunak has pledged 20m for 30 towns should he win re-election. has confirmed a breach of customer data. 's First Minister targets Conservative seats, while hopefuls begin their election campaigns. The country marks 80 years since D-Day. Lord Cameron speaks to the BBC.

Explains SHAMBOLIC Election Run on LBC

Have you noticed how many "reporters", specifically ones posting "news" about American politics are based out of

Does basing these in London make it easier for and to shovel money at them

Inquiring minds want to know

The entire (and elsewhere) must see this

and Co. are LOONIES, attacking their own party


Having had a high tea, I am now convinced they are like Bruce Lee's Game of Death, but with cakes and sandwiches.

Moving up each tier, defeating scones and pastries... Until I fight Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who is dressed up as a savoury sausage roll, for some reason.

PURGED by : Speaks Out

Residents FURIOUS Over 's

To : PLEASE stand as an independent. Everyone loves you

Another fabulous Repair Cafe in Lambeth today!

So a woman who failed on The Apprentice now claims to have inside knowledge of everything. If only possession of an offensive mouth was a crime. When people start living on Mars, Ill crowdfund a ticket for Katie Hopkins...

So we found out yesterday, thanks to our friend in the uk, that my 93 yo father-in-law's prepaid funeral plan is toast, the money is lost. The company 'Safe Hands' (and that's a laugh) is under criminal investigation, for fraud. He will be devastated to find out, as they were so pleased with themselves when they organized this. It paid for Steven's mother's, in 2020, but apparently went into administration early in 2022.

"Ofwat plan to cut sewage fines sends dangerous message to water firms"

'In 2010, when the Conservatives came to power a pint was 2.80, you could put together a deposit of 28k and get a house, and a room in London would only set you back less than 600.'

'Ed Campbell hit the streets of London to see how Brits feel about the cost of living rises we've seen under the Conservative government.'

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